Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1361 Treat him with his own medicine (5)

Caiwei personally brought the tea cup and gave it to the old lady. She smiled and said, "Grandma doesn't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, but if you have anything to teach Caiwei!"

The old lady bowed and said, "I'm just kidding. Now that I'm the mother of a country, how dare I teach you a few words, I don't know whether to say them or not?"

Caiwei smiled and said, "Grandma, are you going to talk about the matter between Caiwei and the Queen Mother?"

The old lady said: "Your Majesty is a sensible person. Since you know what I want to say, I don't have to beat around the bush." ​​I think that although Empress Dowager Mo is wrong, she is your mother-in-law after all. Sometimes, the queen should leave some for her. Save your face, I know these things and it’s not your fault. I’ll go and persuade her later and tell her to save herself some trouble and stop looking for trouble all day long!”

Caiwei said: "If grandma can really persuade the Queen Mother to listen to her, it will be Weier's blessing. Grandma doesn't know something. Ever since I came to the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother has always looked down on me. She is not picking on my faults." , just wearing small shoes for me made me miserable, and sometimes I had to fight back, otherwise, she might have gone too far!"

The old lady sighed: "Grandma knows that you are a good person. Grandma wants you to take it for her sake and stop arguing with her. In fact, your mother was not like this before. She was also very gentle when she was a girl at home. , reasonable, but later she entered the palace in order for the family to continue to survive. Twenty years of palace life, intrigues, and life-and-death situations in the palace have sharpened her into the extreme and mean temper she has now. As you know, , a person's temper is not developed overnight, nor can it be changed overnight. Grandma will advise her well and let her slowly change. You also promise grandma not to embarrass her in front of others, and try to be patient with her. ,OK?"

When she said this, the old woman's eyes were red, and she choked and said: "Actually, your mother has suffered enough over the years. Originally, she was just like you, she had her own sweetheart and could marry her." The sweetheart lives a happy life. However, in order for the whole family to continue to survive and avoid the revenge of Concubine Jin, she resolutely gave up her own happiness and entered the palace, alone in this treacherous and inexplicable palace. Suffering and holding on, facing so many conspiracies and calculations every day, if you are not careful, you will be in catastrophe.  "

"She was not favored, not because her dowry was small, nor because she was not beautiful enough, but because she did not want to compete for favor. Her sweetheart was a young general stationed between Mengnu and Dajin. At that time, Mengnu and Dajin There were frequent fights between them. After she entered the palace, the young general went out on patrol alone one day and bumped into a group of Mengnu people. The two sides fought. Although the general killed most of the Mengnu people, he was the last to But because of lack of physical strength, he was chopped down, his head was in different places, and he died an untimely death."

"As a general, how could he not know the danger of patrolling alone? He obviously knew that she had entered the palace and felt that he had no love in life, so he rushed to seek death. When your mother learned about this, she became seriously ill and almost died He also passed away. Later, God pitifully saw that after his illness recovered, his temper became more and more indifferent."

"Over the years, she has fulfilled her duties as a daughter of the Mo family and preserved the honor and status of the Mo family. However, she has nowhere to talk about her inner pain. She can only hold it in her heart, day after day, year after year. Over the past year, her inner repression has made her temperament more and more eccentric and unlovable. Therefore, under heavy pressure, she often does some excessive things. Grandma sees all the unfairness towards you. , I will talk to her slowly, but she has been suffering for decades. Grandma wants to beg you not to care about this poor person like her. If she is making you unhappy, you come to grandma, and grandma will go there. Talk about her, just don't let her lose face in front of everyone again..."

When the old lady mentioned the painful point, she burst into tears.

After Caiwei heard this, she felt emotional in her heart!

Unexpectedly, Queen Mother Mo had such an experience. A young and beautiful aristocratic girl had a beautiful love and longing for the future, but because of the needs of her family, she sacrificed her lifelong happiness and ruined her love. , entering this cold and heartless palace, she must have endured a lot of hardship for more than twenty years...

Her lover must have loved her so much that he did not hesitate to die for love when he knew that there was no possibility between them. Such loyal love awes her and deserves her respect!

Now, thinking about what Queen Mother Mo had done before, she felt less hateful. Her actions must have been the irrational reaction of a woman whose psychology was suppressed to the point of distortion. She was not only Nangong Yi's mother, but also a Poor woman deserves her patience and sympathy!

Caiwei said, "Grandma, don't worry. From now on, I'll just give in to the Queen as much as possible. As long as the Queen doesn't go too far, I won't compete with her like that!"

The old lady wiped her tears and said gratefully: "Grandma knows that you are a reasonable person. Grandma would like to thank you on behalf of the entire Duke Li Guo's family..."

In the evening, when Nangong Yi came back, Caiwei told him the news that Ning Huaixiu would enter the palace as a palace maid in three days. Nangong Yi frowned and said disgustedly: "She can enter the palace if she wants to, she just needs to find a girl with no corners." Find a place to put her, don’t let me see it and get upset!"

Caiwei smiled and said: "We miss her so much that we really have to let her stay with us, but don't worry, I will let her give up! Of course, the premise is that you are not tempted by her!"

The corner of Nangong Yi's mouth twitched: "Will I be tempted by her? You can imagine it. I didn't even look at her without you as a fairy. Now that I have you, how can I be tempted by her? You have Have you ever seen anyone eating pig food instead of delicacies from mountains and seas?"

Hearing that he compared Miss Ning to pig food, Caiwei burst into laughter, nodded his forehead and said, "You man, it's a pity that Miss Ning is so devoted to you and doesn't want to marry you unless you're the king. As a result, you don't know how to show affection and cherish jade." , I really let down my beauty!"

Nangong Yi said disapprovingly: "In front of you, what kind of beauty is she? At best, she is just a living person with sound limbs and facial features!"

On the third day of the hunt, Parrot replied, "Master, I have found out who joined He Lanqing and Tuo Tuo to assassinate you!"

Caiwei said coldly: "Who is it?"

The parrot said: "It's the lady from the General Protector's Mansion——Li Ruizhu!"

"So it's her?"

Caiwei sneered. She thought that after experiencing the lice poisoning incident, she should calm down and live her own life peacefully. Unexpectedly, she was still jumping around, and she was getting more and more excessive. She actually wanted to kill her. Really looking for death!

"Master, what should we do now?"

Caiwei said with a smile: "Since this young lady likes to kill people, let's retaliate in the same way!"

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