Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1367 Situ Changge’s Impulse (6)

When the two little palace maids saw her hideous wounds, their expressions changed and they looked frightened.Only Huanqiu took the ointment without being surprised, applied it to her with a cold face, and wrapped the injured area with white gauze to prevent it from being rubbed off by clothes.

After wrapping it up, Ning Huaixiu said uneasily: "Sister Huanqiu, are you telling the truth? Not only did the Queen not blame me, but she still wants to reuse me?"

Huan Qiu said coldly: "Why are you lying to me? If you want to live up to your expectations, you should get well in good health as soon as possible so that you can help the queen as soon as possible!"

Ning Huaixiu said with tears in her eyes: "Sister, please rest assured that Huaixiu will get well as soon as possible and serve the Queen as soon as possible!"

At this time, the Empress was in a newly opened hot pot restaurant on Surabaya Street outside the palace, exchanging glasses of wine with a group of friends and having a good time.

This hot pot restaurant is the one jointly opened by Caiwei and Xiangyun. After nearly two months of preparation and planning by Liu Xi, it finally opened grandly on December 12th.

This hot pot restaurant is very large, as big as four of the Bafu BBQ restaurants. It is decorated with modern elements, with large floor-to-ceiling glass windows, leather sofas and chairs, graffiti paintings framed in glass frames, and ceilings. There is also a row of crystal chandeliers hanging, which are magnificent, high-profile and luxurious, making diners who come to dine feel like they are in paradise and feel that they are worth their money.

In a luxurious private room on the third floor, Caiwei, Xiangyun, Liu Xi and Situ Changge sat around a hot hot pot, toasting and drinking.

"Come, wish our Bafu Hotpot City a prosperous business and abundant financial resources. Cheers----"

Liu Xi raised his cup, clinked it with everyone, and drank it all in one gulp.

Xiangyun has been detained at home for more than two months. Except for the last time she performed a ritual for Grandma Xie, this is the first time she has come out. Although there are no outsiders at the table, she is a kind person and she will inevitably feel inferior when meeting people. Therefore, , his head was half-bowed throughout the dinner, and his words could be counted with one slap.

After Liu Xi toasted, she hurriedly followed suit and drank the glass of wine. He just stopped talking after drinking.

She originally planned to open this hot pot restaurant with Caiwei, but she and Mo Zili divorced midway, and all her dowry was sent back to her parents' family. She had no control over the money. Originally, she didn't want to quit. But when Caiwei saw that she was staying at home and becoming increasingly depressed, she wanted to give her something to do to enrich herself so that she would not be worried and miserable at home all day long. Therefore, she insisted on letting her become a shareholder and promised that no matter how much money she had, she would pay according to her investment. Just give her shares with the money.

Xiangyun told her mother what Caiwei meant. Mrs. Wu heard that the queen wanted to support her daughter, and she was eager to do so. The Marquis of Jian'an was an upright official, and everyone in the Hou family lived a very miserable life. Of course, Mrs. Wu was happy to see the money earned in vain, so she scraped together 30,000 taels of silver and invested in three shares of the hot pot restaurant.

Liu Xiyin put a lot of effort into opening the store, and the future operation of the store would depend on him, so Caiwei gave him a share.

Situ Changge had no shares, but Caiwei would invite him every time she went out to eat. Because he is the future emperor of the Qingluo Kingdom, she intends to win over him in the hope that he can form a permanent alliance with the Jin Kingdom in the future.

After drinking, the waiter outside the door suddenly came to report: "My boss, Mr. Han from the Hanlin Academy and Mr. Zhao from Yingtian Mansion have come to support me!"

Upon hearing this, Caiwei put down her chopsticks and said, "You guys eat first, you are a guest. Since everyone is here for my sake, I have to go and meet them anyway."

Liu Xi said, "I'll go too. Didn't you ask me to discuss the women's college that I opened in a few days with Mr. Han of the Hanlin Academy? He happened to be here. I'll go talk to him!"

The two people hurriedly walked out, and Xiangyun and Situ Changge were the only ones left in the room.

Xiangyun lowered her head in embarrassment. In any case, there were rumors of an affair between the two of them, so sitting together now made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

Situ Changge saw her blushing, sitting there neatly like a child who had done something wrong, and wanted to hide her head under the table. He unconsciously curled up the corners of his lips and asked softly: "Xiang Miss Yun, how have you been lately?"

This greeting had been suppressed in his heart for a long time. When he heard that she was forced to undergo a physical examination because of him, he wanted to visit her and comfort her. However, at that time, she was still the young lady of Duke Liguo's mansion. , he must avoid suspicion.

She finally made peace with him, but he stayed behind closed doors all day long. He missed her, and once sneaked into the Marquis of Jian'an's Mansion to see her during the early night. Most of what he saw was her rolling on the couch, crying or crying. sigh.

Those wisps of sobs and long sighs made him feel distressed. However, with his identity, he couldn't comfort her, and he couldn't even show his face. Once someone noticed, she would jump into the Yellow River. Can't wash it off.

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