Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1378 The pain of picking lotus (2)

However, after these few months of massive sales, the glass sales market in Beijing has declined or even stagnated. She must consider opening up overseas markets, otherwise the glass mass-produced in Lingbei will be unsaleable.

Since Lingbei is close to Bianzhou, she was afraid that glass would flow into Bianzhou, so she took the lead in cooperating with An Qilu to seize the opportunity to occupy the northern market.

Nowadays, the glass production industry in Lingbei is developing rapidly. In the past, it could produce 10,000 pieces of glass a month, but now it can produce 50,000 to 60,000 pieces, and it is still rising. Therefore, she plans to find more partners. , let’s sell glass together.

The Jin Kingdom has a vast territory and strong national wealth. No matter which city it is in, glass can find a market, because glass is not only a luxury product that reflects status and financial strength, but also a practical good item!

After hearing what Huo Yuan said, Caiwei hurriedly said: "I can't talk about prying. I have too much glass. If Brother Huo wants to cooperate with me, just go to my private library today. My library There are still more than 20,000 yuan in it, which is enough for you to sell for a while.  "

Huo Yuan said: "Okay, Shen Shi, Mr. Huo will go and buy the goods in person!"

After making an appointment to meet him, Caiwei felt relieved. Anyway, she would be able to meet him alone later, and she could take advantage of that time to ask for his wallet. Otherwise, Cao Jin and An Qilu would be there at the moment. If she wanted to ask for money from him, she would have to separate the two of them, which would be troublesome and easily cause misunderstandings to others. The gain outweighs the loss!

An Qilu said to Caiwei: "If you still have glass, An would like to continue to cooperate with you. It is getting colder in the north now. Glass can keep out the cold. Many people who are shy about the cold will buy it. After the New Year, it will be spring." , there is a strong spring breeze, and glass is much more scratch-resistant than window paper, so these two seasons are the peak seasons for glass sales, and An doesn’t want to miss it."

Caiwei said: "Of course, you can pick up the goods in a few days. I guarantee that there will be enough for you to sell. If it is broken, does Uncle Cao also want to do this? The glass I have on hand is enough for the three of you to sell!"

Cao Jin, who had been drinking in silence, smiled reluctantly and said, "Thank you for your kindness. I understand it. It's just that Cao is troubled by some trivial matters and can't do it for the time being!"

An Qilu explained: "Brother Cao's wife passed away last month. Brother Cao and his wife had a deep love for each other. They have been depressed to this day and are not in the mood to do business!"

After hearing this, Caiwei comforted him a few words, stood up, said goodbye to them, and went back to her private room.

Her main task today is not to sell glass to them, but to help Situ Changge choose the crown prince of the Jin Dynasty so that the two countries will always be friends with Qin and Jin.

When they returned to their own private room, Mo Shuya and Chao Gui had already finished eating, and everyone was listening to Liu Xi's beaming and eloquent plans for the future women's college.

"Our first women's college in the Jin Kingdom will be opened soon. At that time, my father-in-law will personally teach you a unique skill - arithmetic. When you leave the cabinet to take charge of the middle school in the future, the two of you will If you want to settle the account in an hour, use the method I taught you, and you can finish it in less than half an hour! By then, your husband-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, seven aunts and eight aunts will all respect you. It's amazing..."

"Liu Xi!"

Caiwei stepped in and scolded: "These are the families of daughters who have not left the court. You are just talking nonsense about your husband-in-law and mother-in-law. You are getting more and more confused. Why don't you give it to me?" Get out of here."

Liu Xi stuck out his tongue and quietly said to Chao Gui, Mo Shuya, Xiang Yun and others: "Remember to come to me when you want to sign up. Shu Xiu, I can consider giving you a discount..."

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