Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1383 The pain of picking lotus (7)

Caiwei could hear the jealousy in the man's words, and said in a dumbfounded voice: "I haven't seen him very often before. We only see him once and a half every month during the accounting. Why are you so jealous? Besides, Every flower comes to every eye. In your eyes, I am a peerless beauty, but in the eyes of others, I am just a vulgar fan who only thinks about making money all day long!"

Nangong Yi snorted: "If he really treats you as a vulgar fan, that's all. If he has other thoughts, I won't let him go."

Hearing this, Caiwei looked at the sky and rolled her eyelids, raised her hands and said, "Your Majesty, I promise you that shopkeeper Situ has no evil intentions towards me, and I will always be loyal to you. I will never Give birth to the desire to go out of the wall!"

"Hmph, you know what's going on!"

Nangong Yi snorted proudly, picked up a letter of appointment from the table and handed it to Caiwei's hand: "For your good performance, I want to give you a reward!"

Caiwei took the letter of appointment and saw that it was written on it that her father was awarded the official position of bachelor of the fifth rank of the Hanlin Academy. She couldn't help frowning and said, "Yi, what are you doing? Although I don't avoid relatives when recruiting talents, my father has just entered the Hanlin Academy." He has made no outstanding achievements in the academy for several months, and you have jumped him from a seventh-grade editor to a fifth-grade lecturer. I am afraid some people will be dissatisfied, so I think it’s better to forget it!"

Nangong Yi said disapprovingly: "My father-in-law has been working as an editor at the Hanlin Academy for several months. He has always been conscientious and self-disciplined. He has never been arrogant because he is the head of the country. Therefore, I reward him and give him the honorary bachelor's degree from the Hanlin Academy." As for your gift, as for the mother-in-law, she will be temporarily named the fifth-grade imperial concubine, and she will be given the title later when the father-in-law is promoted to a higher official!"

Caiwei said: "But what if the imperial censor declares impeachment? You have just ascended the throne and your foundation has not yet been firmly established. It is better not to rush to support my family!"

Nangong Yi said with a profound smile: "Madam, don't worry, I have a good plan, which can not only stop everyone's silence, but also make everyone sincerely convinced!"

Caiwei raised her eyebrows and asked, "What's the best strategy?"

Nangong Yi said: "Just pass on the Arabic numeral calculation method you used to calculate accounts to your father-in-law, and ask him to teach everyone the Arabic numeral method in the Hanlin Academy. This method is simple and practical, and will definitely be widely spread in the future. If the entire university No one in Jin capital can do this. He is the only one who can do it. Isn't this enough to get him promoted to a noble rank?"

Teaching everyone knowledge is a good thing. It can not only promote social progress, but also allow her father to be promoted to a noble position. Caiwei is of course happy to see it happen. She happily agreed and prepared to cook a delicious meal for the man to thank him.

The daughter-in-law on his lap disappeared out of thin air. Nangong Yi was startled for a moment, then shook his head strangely, lowered his head and smiled, and continued to review the papers...

About an hour later, when it was getting dark, Caiwei came out of the space, holding a food box in her hand, and said to the man with a smile: "Come in, dinner is ready!" After that, she walked towards the back room. go.

Nangong Yi had been approving the discounts for the afternoon, and now he was hungry. He put down his ink brush, got up and followed Caiwei into the inner room, only to see that Caiwei had already put the food box on the table and opened the lid.

Inside the food box, there is a bowl of ham and fresh bamboo shoot soup, a plate of stir-fried wolfberry sprouts with oil and salt, a bowl of goosefoot and duck lettuce, a plate of eggplant bream, and a plate of four buttery pine pulp rolls, and two bowls of hot soup. Steamed green rice and Japonica rice.

Nangong Yi washed his hands and walked over, lifted his robe and sat at the table. He smiled and said, "Thanks to my wife, I have to eat the delicacies of the Immortal Mansion again today!"

Caiwei handed him a pair of ivory chopsticks, and then handed him a bowl of japonica rice, and said, "The delicacies of the Immortal Mansion are real, I just don't know if they suit your taste!"

"My husband's favorite food is the food cooked by my wife. How can it not taste good?"

The man was very familiar with the craft of picking weeds and had a deep affection for him. He remembered that when he was in Lingbei, everyone ate moldy grain and grain mixed with chaff. Later, she came and brought it to everyone. He would buy fine flour, snow-white rice, and occasionally buy hundreds of pigs to improve everyone's food, and he himself would benefit even more.

Beef jerky, hot pot, steamed fish, spicy hotpot, every taste was unforgettable for him. In that difficult environment, she was like a beam of warm light, which not only brought him light, but also brought him Hope...

He stretched out his chopsticks, picked up a piece of delicious eggplant, put it in his mouth, tasted it, and praised: "My wife is so good at cooking. She can even make eggplants so delicious. She is much better than the chefs in our palace..."

Caiwei smiled and used a modern advertising slogan: "It's delicious, so eat more!"

After saying that, she picked some more for him. At this time, she sincerely thanked Mr. Cao Xueqin. If he hadn't written down in detail how to make eggplant, she really wouldn't have been able to make such delicious eggplant!

In addition to eggplant, her ham and fresh bamboo shoot soup is also deeply loved by men. The duck and duck are also eaten during this season. Men eat a lot of every dish, almost twice as much as the usual meals cooked by the imperial chef. So many...

Dinner ended in a warm and romantic atmosphere. After dinner, Nangong Yi went to review the folding papers again. Caiwei called Liu Xi and asked him to leave the palace and go to the Mu Mansion to teach the master arithmetic in the shortest possible time...

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