Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1415 Two people are happy (1)

In the brightly lit flower hall of Jian'an Marquis Mansion

Ji, the Marquis of Jian'an warrior, was holding a teacup and sitting on the main seat like a statue. Listening to the conversation between the two young talents below, he could not utter a word. His whole body was in a state of petrification, and he even hid behind the screen. Mrs. Wu who eavesdropped later was kept there...

What's going on?

This person is not an imperial doctor, but the Crown Prince of Qingluo Kingdom, and he actually wants to marry their daughter. How is this possible?

Their daughter is from Heli, doesn't he know? Don't you dislike it? Could it be that, as rumored by the outside world, their daughter had already built a plank road with His Highness openly and had a secret affair with him before they met him?

No, no, their daughter is definitely not that kind of person. Besides, Mo Zili has already tested her body. Her daughter is indeed flawless and it is impossible for her to be flirtatious with a man. At most, the two of them are It’s just mutual love!

Thinking about their daughter, who was a despised married woman yesterday, and who was proposed to by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Qingluo Kingdom today, the Marquis of Jian'an and his wife suddenly felt like they had turned into serfs and sang songs, although they had no intention of using it. Their daughter is here to compete for honor and glory, but in any case, it is indeed a compliment to them that the Crown Prince of Qingluo Kingdom can propose to their daughter, and it also makes the past two months because of their daughter and Li's negative energy was swept away, and he suddenly felt exhaled and raised his eyebrows!

"Master Hou, Jing Chen has been fond of Xiangyun for a long time and is sincerely seeking employment. Moreover, His Majesty has allowed Jing Chen to propose to Xiangyun. I hope Master Hou can give Jing Chen a chance!" Wanyan Jingchen stood up, raised his hands and said to Marquis Jian'an, His attitude is neither humble nor arrogant, sincere and humble, which shows his sincerity.

Regarding his marriage proposal, Marquis Jian'an and his wife had mixed feelings. With his status, marrying a princess was more than enough, but he ignored Xiangyun's status and wanted to marry her as a wife, which shows his sincerity towards Xiangyun.

However, based on their daughter's nature, she is really not suitable to be a crown princess or a future queen. She can't even compete with a small outhouse of low rank, so how can she settle down in the deep palace in the future? Moreover, who can guarantee that the emperor and ministers of Qingluo Kingdom will not dislike her identity, or who can guarantee that Wanyan Jingchen will never change his heart towards her?

If she is married, falls out of favor or is wronged in the future, she will be alone thousands of miles away without even a relative to comfort her. How uncomfortable and distressed they will be...

While he was thinking dully, Mo Zili also stood up and said to Marquis Jian'an: "Father-in-law, Zili has realized his mistake. My grandfather has also stated the matter to the Holy Father today. I also ask my father-in-law to give Zili another chance. This time Zili will never let Xiangyun suffer any more injustice, let alone let the two elders be disappointed in Zili."

Mo Zili's voice interrupted Marquis Jian'an's thoughts. Although he was still dissatisfied with his former son-in-law, he was no longer as resentful as before. He raised his hand to stop him, although he did not say anything to him. He said sarcastically but politely and distantly: "Master Mo, you have made peace with Xiangyun, so don't call me father-in-law anymore..."

When Mo Zili heard this, his expression dimmed, his hands hidden under his sleeves tightened, and then he said with a normal expression: "Yes!"

Even though Marquis Jian'an had a cold attitude towards him, Mo Zili remained calm and calm to prevent Wanyan Jingchen from getting complacent.

Warrior Ji looked at the two people who were at odds with each other, stroking his beard and said: "This matter is related to my daughter's life, so I can't give you an answer right now. I have to discuss it with Zhuo Jing and my daughter." Let’s discuss and discuss before making a decision. You two should go back first. Once we have reached an agreement, we will write back to you!”

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