Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1417 Two people are happy (3)

Xiangyun pursed her lips and muttered reluctantly: "I won't marry, and I won't marry anyone..."

Mrs. Wu made a serious face and said: "Then let the emperor point it out, and marry whomever you point out. "

Xiangyun was startled, and said reflexively: "I won't get back together with Mo Zili no matter what, no matter what!"

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Wu said, "If you don't get back together with Mo Zili, then will you choose the crown prince of Qingluo Kingdom?"

She looked at her daughter inquiringly, trying to see something on her face. She had never believed the gossip about her daughter and the Crown Prince of Qing Luo Kingdom before, but since she found out that the Crown Prince of Qing Luo Kingdom pretended to be an imperial doctor to visit her daughter today, she began to vaguely feel that there was something different between her daughter and him.

She is not sure yet whether they are in love or whether the Crown Prince of Qingluo Kingdom is passionate about her.

Xiangyun's face turned red. She didn't know what she was thinking of. She covered her face and whispered: "No.... No..."

How could someone who came from Mrs. Wu's family not see what her daughter was thinking, especially since her daughter was so simple. It's not difficult at all to read her mind.

She moved closer to Xiangyun and said, "If you really choose him, my mother won't stop you, but you have to think about it. The palace is not a place for everyone. I would like to think of the late empress who was the Supreme Emperor." You may have heard how you died. In terms of scheming and background, you are not even the slightest bit different from the late empress. Even so, the former empress still died in the hands of Concubine Jin. Mother is only afraid of you. After marrying him, you also suffered such a big loss. When the time comes, your parents are separated from you by thousands of mountains and rivers, and they can't help you. Then won't you have to torture your parents to death?"

As she spoke, she wiped away tears, as if her daughter had really married to a distant foreign country and had been bullied.

Seeing her mother's sadness, Xiangyun hurriedly wiped away her tears with a handkerchief and said coaxingly: "Mom, please stop crying. My daughter just doesn't want to marry. Even if she does, she won't marry that... him. It's all up to my parents."

After hearing this, Mrs. Wu held back her tears and said angrily: "You kid, you are always good at making your mother happy. Your parents made the final choice for your last marriage. What happened? It almost made our intestines turn green with regret." This time we have agreed to let you make the decision on your own. Your mother has noticed what you are worried about. Go back and tell your father, and let him tell the emperor..."

It was getting late, so Mrs. Wu arranged for her daughter to lie down and left. Cui Wen was afraid of the cold Xiangyun, so she rushed over to add charcoal to the charcoal basin. She looked at Xiang Yun, who was blushing, and laughed in a low voice: "I never expected that shopkeeper Situ would be the crown prince of Qingluo Kingdom, let alone that he would come to our house to propose marriage to the eldest lady. I think something good is about to happen for the eldest lady. !"

Xiang Yun was lying on the kang in a daze, listening to Cui Wen teasing her, and spat at her, saying: "Little hoof, don't say these nonsense words. You're not going to bed so late. Just come and chew your tongue. I'll pay attention tomorrow." I'll answer my mother's question and send you out!"

Cui Wen covered her mouth and said with a smile: "I was afraid that the young lady would be cold, so I came over to add charcoal to the young lady. It's fine that the young lady didn't appreciate it. She also came to scold the servant. Hey, it's hard to be a good person. It seems that the servant is worrying too much." Miss, you're not cold at all. Your cheeks are redder than charcoal fire, you must be very hot!"

After saying that, he quickly set up the charcoal pot and ran out with a giggle.

"You've gone too far, you damn girl, you even dare to kidnap me!"

Xiangyun was embarrassed and angry and shouted harshly at Cui Wen's back, but his face became even hotter.

At this time, I heard a voice continue: "It's not all your fault!"

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