Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1420 Marriage Grant (1)

Early in the morning, Marquis Jian'an was going to court. Before leaving, he confirmed with his wife again: "Are you sure that Girl Yun wants to marry the prince of Qingluo Kingdom?"

Mrs. Wu said: "How can the daughter I gave birth to hide her thoughts from me? This girl's face turns red and her eyes light up when someone mentions the prince of Qingluo Kingdom. She is not attracted to him. What is it again?"

Marquis Jian'an nodded, "Okay, I will explain this matter to the emperor today." After putting on his court clothes, he took the jade guide and hurried to the court.

After seeing her husband off, Mrs. Wu was planning to go see her daughter when the mother-in-law on duty outside came to report: "Madam, my aunt is here."

The aunt the mother-in-law refers to is the sister of Marquis Jian'an and the eldest lady of Duke Li's Mansion, Mrs. Wu. She rushed here early in the morning and she knew what was going on without asking. Mrs. Wu didn't want to see her at all, let alone He heard that she was proposing for Mo Zili to marry him, but due to his sister-in-law's affection, he had to take the time to see her.

"That's all, please come in and sit down, aunt!"

When the eldest lady was invited into the Nuan Pavilion, she saw her sister-in-law sitting on the Babu bed and eating tea, but she didn't know what she was thinking about. She was fascinated by a celestial vase with carved flowers and birds on the Duobao Pavilion. Wu's footsteps The voice became slightly louder before she raised her head.

"Hey, what gust of wind brought my sister back? Look at me, I was so busy thinking about buying a dowry for Yun'er that I forgot to go out to greet my sister."

Wu is so shrewd, how can he not understand what his sister-in-law means? She was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "So, my niece is going to be overjoyed again?"

Mrs. Wu said: "Exactly, we have decided to marry Yun'er to the Crown Prince of Qingluo Kingdom. The Marquis will report this to the Emperor this morning. If nothing goes wrong, the marriage edict will be issued soon. , when the time comes, I must not let my sister spend money on another congratulatory gift."

The sister-in-law had already spoken to this point. Madam Wu naturally understood that being a lobbyist was no longer useful, so she had no choice but to follow her words and answer, "That's natural, that's excellent." Well, although Qingluo Country doesn’t lack things like ours, we still have to take care of things so that we can show off to our niece."

Seeing that mentioning Mo Zili's matter was in vain, she simply didn't open her mouth to avoid bringing trouble on herself. Mrs. Wu pretended to be confused and asked with a smile: "By the way, I haven't asked my sister why she came here?"

The eldest lady's expression stiffened slightly and she said: "It's nothing important. I just heard that the emperor asked the niece to choose her own son-in-law. I was thinking about it and came back to ask her who she chose, haha----"

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "Thank you for your trouble, sister. When I prepare the dowry for Yun'er tomorrow, I will definitely ask my sister to come over and help."

The eldest lady smiled embarrassingly and said: "That's natural..."

The two of them talked for a while, talking about how to prepare the Xiangyun dowry and how to deliver the wedding. After that, the eldest lady stood up and left. Regardless of her sister-in-law's efforts to leave lunch, she hurried home. The old lady at home is still waiting for her letter, and she can't stay here any longer.

Returning to Duke Li Guo's Mansion, as soon as he entered the gate, he saw Mingzhu, a second-class girl in the old lady's room, looking at the gate. When she saw the eldest lady's car, Mingzhu recited Buddha's name and said: "Amitabha, you are finally back. The old lady has already I have sent my slave over to see it four or five times."

At this time, in the warm room where the old lady often stayed, the old lady, Bai, Yang, and the four daughters born to Yang were all there. Everyone was anxiously waiting for the eldest lady to take care of her. Reply message.

Seeing that the eldest lady was back, everyone couldn't help but stand up. The old lady asked repeatedly: "How is it? Is it okay?"

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