Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1464 Dreaming back to the past life (6)

The stepmother clapped her fingers and said, "Do the math. If Kaikai gets married, buys a house, and a car in the city, it will only cost four to five million. In addition to our reputation, the annual rent alone is only six million." Ten thousand yuan, why not buy more at once? We can also buy a landlord ourselves without having to pay rent. When we can no longer work in the future, we can still rent out the landlord for rent. All these added up, every day Eighteen million people cannot come down.  "

My father thought for a while and said, "Eighteen million is a bit too much, isn't it? I haven't heard of anyone who died in the line of duty getting 18 million in financial compensation. Besides, there's her mother too!"

"You are stupid!"

The stepmother stretched out her finger, poked her father's forehead hard, and said, "You have forgotten what she did before. She was the president's bodyguard, with an annual salary of several million, and she was not married or had a husband." My friend, how can her family have no savings? According to me, she must have 18 million in savings alone."

"Well, maybe it can happen!"

The father stood up as he spoke, taking off his apron and walking out: "No, I have to go to her house and keep an eye on her first to see her mother take away all the money and everything first..."

"Yes, yes, I'll go too!"

The stepmother hurriedly took her bag, closed the shop in a hurry, and followed her father to the street to take a taxi.

Caiwei now is just a soul, otherwise, she would have been furious.

In the past, she knew that her father didn't care for her and her mother didn't love her, but she didn't know that her father was so indifferent to her. She just died, and he didn't even cry. He just couldn't wait to go to the wind. property, is this still a human being?

Following her father and stepmother, she arrived at the apartment where she used to live. Unexpectedly, there was someone in the apartment. It turned out that her mother had already arrived earlier and was searching for her valuable items.

Of course the father quit and started fighting with his stepfather while rolling up his arms and sleeves. The stepmother was not willing to be outdone and started fighting with the mother...

Caiwei felt sad in her heart. She originally thought that even if her father was ruthless and indifferent to her, her mother would be somewhat sad for her. After all, she was the flesh that fell from her body. However, it seems now that she thought too much.

She couldn't stand it any longer and quietly floated outside the door. If her physical body had been there, she would have burst into tears by now.

In this life, although she was a strong woman and stood at the pinnacle of her career, unfortunately, she was the most failed strong woman. She didn't even get a single cent of the most precious family love in the world. She was such a failure...

Caiwei was depressed and continued to float until she reached her master. The master was a retired agent. It was his years of training that led her to the career of a bodyguard.

At this time, Master was sitting at the table, drinking one cup after another. While drinking, he was mumbling with tears in his eyes: "Xiaowei, Master is sorry for you. Master shouldn't have trained you to be so good... If you were If you are not so outstanding, you will not be selected by the Ministry of Defense. If you are not selected by the Ministry of Defense, you will not be with the president. If you are not with the president, you will not... die... uh uh uh..."

As the master spoke, he lay slumped on the table and cried like a child.

Caiwei's heart warmed, and she gently stepped forward and hugged her master in vain.

There are still people in this world who care about her...

After spending a few days with Master, although she couldn't talk to him or comfort his painful heart, Caiwei was very happy. At least, there was someone in this world who knew her and loved her from the bottom of her heart!

A few days later, the master's mood calmed down a bit, and Caiwei went to a nursing home. This was a place she used to frequent. Knowing the dangers of her profession, she had donated all her property to this nursing home in her will. All property, including insurance money and compensation from the state after your own accidental death.

When she went there, the nursing home was immersed in mourning. Her grandparents had heard the news of her death on TV and were sitting in the courtyard of the nursing home, wiping away tears while talking about her.

"God is so unfair. How could such a good child like Xiaowei be gone just like that!"

"I wanted to introduce my grandson to her some time ago. Oh, what a pity for such a good girl..."

"Hey! I'm still alive for heaven's sake. What a pity that girl is so young. Hey, why don't you let me die for her..."

After hearing this, the tons of hurt Caiwei suffered from her parents disappeared. In this world, she is not alone. There are so many people who care about her and love her. Therefore, even if she leaves forever, She has no regrets anymore...

Taking one last look at these lovely grandparents, Caiwei slowly floated out of the nursing home, looked up at the sky, and whispered softly: "Master Cihai, let me go back, my relatives are still waiting there. Following me!"

The golden light came down and enveloped her whole body. She slowly closed her eyes, and her heart was as calm as water. When she came back this time, she said goodbye to her previous life forever. From now on, she was Mu Caiwei, just Mu Caiwei. .

After a moment, she felt that the golden light in front of her eyes disappeared, and she slowly opened her eyes, only to find that she was lying in a completely unfamiliar room. The room was extremely luxurious, and Master Lechi was lying there as if he had a cramp. Doing a strange dance.

Caiwei rubbed her eyes: "Hey, what's wrong with him?"

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