Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1504 The situation of picking lotus (5)

Third Uncle Mu and Third Aunt Mu loved Cai Lian as much as their eyes. Hearing her say such desperate words, they couldn't help but feel distressed.

Seeing her crying so sadly, Third Aunt Mu couldn't help but grabbed her and said, "Why are you so anxious? Mom didn't tell her not to tell her, it's just that she looked bad today, as if she was in a bad mood. , Mom didn’t dare to say it, for fear that if she rejected it, it would be difficult to change the situation."

"Mom, you are saying that you will intercede on our behalf, right?"

Cai Lian suddenly became eager and enthusiastic, holding Aunt Mu's hand tightly, as if holding all her hopes.

Third Aunt Mu said helplessly: "Uh...well, Mom will try again tomorrow..."

"Thank you, mother. Caiwei always remembers how kind you were to her family in the past. If you go and beg her, she will definitely give you this face!" Cai Lian hugged Aunt Mu excitedly, as if hugging her. As if he had lost all his hopes.

Third Aunt Mu sighed and said, "Thank you, I am your mother. As long as you are happy, my mother will be happier than anything else!"

Fearing that Ji Wanfu would be impatient, Cai did not dare to stay at home to eat. After getting his mother's assurance, he hurried back to the British government in a car.

She thought that Ji Wanfu would be as anxious as she was and would wait in the concierge to hear the news. However, when she entered the gate of Duke Li Guo's Mansion, she saw no sign of him. Even when she reached the backyard, she didn't see him. figure.

After entering the house, Cai Lian asked a maid: "Where is the Crown Prince? Why don't you see his people?"

The maid didn't take Cai Lian seriously and said lazily, "The prince has gone to Miss Su Su's house."

Su Su is Ji Wanfu's new favorite. She was born as a prostitute. She has white skin, tender flesh, big breasts and buttocks. Although she is not very beautiful, her ecstatic figure and good skills in bed really fascinated Ji Wanfu. Yuedu spent time in her room, and the other concubines and concubines became decorations.

Cai Lian was not favored to begin with. She only slept with Ji Wanfu once on their wedding night. Halfway through, the man thought she was boring, so she went to the house of a concubine. From then on, she slept with Ji Wanfu again. Never touched her body.

As a girl full of expectations and longing for marriage, Ji Wanfu's actions undoubtedly broke her heart and lost her face. If she were a woman with ideas and ambition, she would have stopped caring about Ji Wanfu and concentrate on living her own life. Pian Cailian had a girlish heart full of romantic feelings. Even if Ji Wanfu turned a blind eye to her and even allowed other concubines to bully her and humiliate her, she could endure the humiliation and bear the burden, hoping that the man would change his mind.

Several times, Ji Wanfu forced her to ask Empress Mu for an official position. She knew very well that Caiwei would not agree if she went there, and it would even destroy the last bit of affection between them, so she refused to go no matter what. , for this reason, she was punched and kicked by Ji Wanfu. The hardest beating was that she couldn't get out of bed for more than half a month.

However, even so, she did not despair of him, and was still waiting for him to look back with expectation. Today he came to tell her that as long as she begged Queen Mu and asked the emperor to spare the British government, he would be fine in the future. Treating her, not only will she be in charge of the British government's affairs, but she will also have children with her.

Cai Lian was deceived by the beautiful promise made by Ji Wanfu. Isn't it the dream she has been pursuing to give birth to a legitimate son of the Ji family, to be in charge of the middle minister of the British government, and to be the legitimate wife of the crown prince?

She also wanted to socialize like other ladies, take charge of the middle school, and care for her husband and children. As long as Caiwei said a word, all her dreams would come true, so she would not give up this opportunity no matter what.

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