Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1506 The transformation of Queen Mother Mo (1)

After not seeing each other for many days, Mrs. Du was reluctant to let Caiwei go. Caiwei also wanted to see her father and younger brothers and sisters, so she stayed in the Mu Mansion until her father and younger brothers and sisters came back.

When Mu Zhongqing was in the Hanlin Academy, he had already heard that Caiwei and the emperor had returned, and had reorganized the court affairs and dealt with General Li and his gang members. Mu Zhongqing was very happy because his son-in-law's career was saved, and his daughter's The whole family will be at peace.

He expected that his daughter would come back today to visit her relatives. When he came back in the evening, he specially asked for his daughter's confidant Liu Xi. Liu Xi has won her daughter's trust and is a woman's number one confidant. Her daughter will definitely be happy to see him.

Liu Xi is now a teacher at a women's school, specializing in teaching Arabic arithmetic to the rich ladies from various prefectures. His teaching method is humorous and humorous, which is completely different from those ladies who are serious and talkative. He is deeply loved by all the rich ladies. Favorite has become a popular figure in the women's academy, and has also become the dream lover of many boudoir girls who have never seen the world.

Of course, before this, he had taught Mu Zhongqing the Arabic arithmetic method, and according to the emperor's instructions, he said that Mu Zhongqing was the founder of the Arabic arithmetic method.

Mu Zhongqing was so ashamed that he received the salary without merit. He resolutely refused the emperor's offer to make him a third-rank official. However, he could not completely reject his son-in-law's filial piety towards him, so he had to shamelessly accept the rank of minister of the Hanlin Academy from the fifth rank. As a bachelor, he was responsible for teaching Arabic arithmetic to the children of officials.

Mrs. Du was also named a fifth-grade Yiren, and she could be regarded as a married woman with a royal title. She could often wear the clothes of the royal wife and go out to socialize. No matter where she went, even if it was the Prime Minister's mansion, she would be sought after by those ladies. And compliments, even the first-class lady would look at her face to please her.

Mrs. Du naturally knew why everyone was so respectful and polite to her, so she behaved in a low-key and humble manner, and was careful in her speech, lest if she did something wrong, she would slap her daughter in the face and pull her back.

When Liu Xi saw Caiwei, he was very excited, but his mouth was still vicious. Taking advantage of the meeting, he said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "After running for so long, there is no news. Is it with some man?" Elope?"

Caiwei was naturally happy to see Liu Xi, and she didn't take Liu Xi's venomous words to heart. She just said in a low voice, "I heard that you recently became a teacher at a women's college. How do you feel about it? You're here." Among the flowers, but unable to do what you want, does it feel uncomfortable?"

Liu Xi's mouth twitched wildly, and he whispered with a dark face, "Can you stop teasing me about this?"

Caiwei nodded and said, "Okay!"

As he spoke, a pair of eyes silently looked at his lower body in trance.

Liu Xi was shocked by the sight, and looked around with guilty eyes, and whispered: "Okay, you're cruel!" After saying that, he got up and coaxed Wen'er and Wu'er to go out to play.

Mu Zhongqing, Du Shi and Fei'er were the only ones left in the room. Mu Zhongqing said to him with lingering fear: "Fortunately, you came back in time. If you had come back one day later, the whole family of Duke Li Guo's house would have been ransacked. Rao He was rescued. I heard that the old grandson and his grandson were also suffering in prison."

Upon hearing this, Fei'er tightened the handkerchief in her hand and looked at Caiwei nervously, hoping to hear the news about Mo Ziqi's safety from Caiwei's mouth.

Caiwei said: "I did suffer a little bit, but it doesn't matter. The injury was not fatal. It will be fine after a few days. The emperor has already settled them in the Bishui Pavilion in the palace and sent Yao Yuanjian to go there." Give them diagnosis and treatment, and it won't take long for them to be cured."

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