Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1510 The transformation of Queen Mother Mo (5)

To take a step back, even if the emperor always guards the queen, the maids who choose to come can at least add some trouble to her and disgust her.

When she thought of how angry she would be after being surrounded by beauties when she came back, she felt extremely comfortable, as if all the bad temper she had suffered from the Queen had been vented.

However, all these thoughts disappeared after seeing Caiwei take care of Li Kaifeng.

Now, not only did she not dare to mess with anything, she even regretted the talent show announcement she had already made. If she had known that this daughter-in-law was so powerful, she would have been a good mother-in-law. Why bother to do so? The son is unhappy, the wife is dissatisfied, and when he looks in the mirror, he is not a human being inside and out!

Hey, I have to think of a way to explain this to my wife later.

Caiwei came in. She was wearing a pure yellow robe with a gold silk round collar and eight groups of phoenix and peony patterns. The collar and cuffs were trimmed with mink fur. The robe was foot-length, with a vermilion skirt underneath, and red jade beads on her head. She has a phoenix hairpin, one small phoenix hairpin on each temple, folded silk palace flowers, red gold earrings set with rubies and pomegranates, and a pair of red jade bracelets on her wrists. She is dressed very formally, as she usually does. Hao Jian's dressing style is different, which shows that she attaches great importance to meeting her mother-in-law and does not despise her as her mother-in-law.

Queen Mother Mo was very satisfied. Let alone Caiwei coming to see her in a grand manner, even if she came in casual clothes, she would not dare to find fault with her.

Caiwei bowed to Empress Dowager Mo in a proper manner and said, "I have been away from the palace for many days. Today I came here to pay my respects to my mother. I also want to tell my mother about my whereabouts during these days."

Empress Dowager Mo said politely: "Get up quickly, just come back. Thank God you came back in time, and finally did not let Li Kaifeng's ambition succeed. As for where you and the emperor went? That is the business of you two, there is no need to follow I said."

Caiwei was surprised when she heard this. She thought Queen Mother Mo would aggressively ask her about her whereabouts in the past few months, and she had already made up a reason for her absence. Unexpectedly, she didn't ask and didn't want to hear it.

She carefully observed Queen Mother Mo and found that she was not speaking angrily, but was looking at her sincerely, with a little more kindness in her eyes.

Caiwei was secretly happy. It turned out that after the thrilling encounter in the morning, the Queen Mother had accepted her as her daughter-in-law and no longer targeted her or excluded her. This made her very happy, although she didn't care about Queen Mother Mo's treatment of her. attitude, but she can't care less about her man's emotions. If she can live in harmony with his mother, the man will be very happy even if he doesn't say it.

She smiled and said modestly and gently: "Even if the queen mother doesn't want to listen, I still want to chat with you. I have been away from home for so long, and there is no one to talk to me about myself."

This sentence suddenly narrowed the distance between the two people. Seeing Caiwei acting like this, Empress Dowager Mo's usually cold face broke out into a smile. She said, "Speak, Empress Mother, listen..."

Caiwei sat next to Queen Mother Mo and spoke out the words she had arranged in advance. She told her about going to Xianbei to kill Queen Jiya, but she did not talk about her being kidnapped by Saknu. The only reason is that Jiya is not aggressive. She fought with her for several months before she was able to kill her as she wished. By the way, she also went to Liaodan and captured Nangong Shi to avoid future troubles.

The plots of these stories have been repeatedly simplified by Caiwei, but they were still thrilling to Empress Dowager Mo when she heard them.

Think about it, riding a tiger for thousands of miles, breaking into the palace of Xianbei alone, fighting with Queen Jiya who is a magician, and then going to Liaodan to capture Nangong Shi...

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