Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1519 Her Space Her Past Life (2)

When she fell asleep, Nangong Yi took her back to the gorgeous boudoir, helped her take off her shoes and coat, covered her with a thin blanket, then kissed her, and then went out to do her own thing.

He often practiced martial arts alone in the space, or practiced his internal strength according to the classics left by Master Cihai. Occasionally, I would also help Caiwei make wine, plant the land, collect pearls, and dig ginseng, which was very busy.

When it was time to eat, he would personally go to the fields to pick vegetables, or go fishing in the Lingxi River, and then cook it for her to eat. If they were not afraid of being suspected by the slaves outside, they would have to eat one or two meals outside. , he really wanted to walk here and eat three meals a day!

When Queen Mother Mo came back, Nangong Yi and Caiwei were both in the space. Nangong Yi was different from Caiwei. He couldn't see or hear what was going on outside, so he didn't know that his mother was coming. He didn't check until Queen Mother Mo left. Not feeling anything at all, he still sat down under the banyan tree and was lost in thought with a folded book.

Caiwei wore a loose pajamas and wiped her hair while walking out of the bamboo house. She saw Queen Mother Mo coming. She had just come out of the hot spring and wanted to go out to greet her, but saw Queen Mother Mo leaving in a hurry again, so she Go find your man.

Seeing the man holding the book and frowning in thought, he sat down against him, put his head on his shoulder, and said warmly: "What are you looking at, so serious?"

Her voice was soft and pleasant, and her body, which had become plumper due to pregnancy, felt extremely comfortable against his thin clothes. Nangong Yi was so aroused by her that he immediately tensed up and felt a rush of heat. He froze and moved slightly to the side to prevent his sanity from being burned to death by desire.

Damn it, if she hadn't been pregnant, he would have done something right now!

Nangong Yi coughed, adjusted his unhealthy thoughts, and said: "The tax reform is being discussed in the court. We have been arguing for several days. It makes my head hurt. Madam, do you have any good ideas?"

Ever since he heard Caiwei's theory on upright officials, Nangong Yi always liked to discuss political affairs with her. During every discussion, Caiwei's unique insights would shock him, and he often accepted her opinions.

Caiwei looked at the book in his hand and asked slowly, "What is the tax system in Dajin now?"

Nangong Yi put down the memorial, reached for her, held her on his lap, and said, "Zi Yong Tiao."

Renyongdiao was established on the basis of "Ding people as the foundation". Negative phenomena such as land annexation and numerous miscellaneous taxes often occurred. The central government could not check the history, and the history could not check the states, and civil unrest was prone to break out. So it must be reformed. Nangong Yi believes that the young crop money mentioned by Prime Minister Ning and the 11-tax law of Meng Shangshu are only treating the symptoms but not the root cause, or even increasing local taxes and levying money instead of rent.

Nangong Yi didn't agree with their proposal, but he couldn't think of a good way for a while, so he frowned and thought hard, but Caiwei happened to be here, so he couldn't help but ask her.

Caiwei smiled and said: "This is not difficult, I have a way, but what can my husband do to repay me?"

Nangong Yi smiled bitterly and said: "You greedy girl, the treasures in this space alone are richer than my treasury. Your wealth is beyond my reach, and I have to rush to hold you in my lap. I can't afford it." What caught your eye?"

Caiwei rolled her eyes a few times and said, "I have been thinking about one thing these days. As long as you help me handle this matter, I will help you come up with a tax law that satisfies you."

The man took the towel from her hand and twirled her hair while saying, "Oh, that's such a big tone. Tell me, what can I do for you? If it's reasonable, I will satisfy you!" "

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