Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1521 Her Space Her Past Life (4)

"What's more, when I first met you, I sent a human to Mujiacun to learn about your past. It is said that you were just a timid, weak and incompetent woman who was bullied by your grandfather's family and didn't even have the courage to resist. , your cousin can insult you in public, your cousin even slapped you in public, I can't understand, with such means and courage, how can you live such a miserable life for more than ten years?"

The man's words silenced Caiwei, and she was speechless.

In the past, she could mostly push things that couldn't be explained into space, but that's no longer the case. Men already have a very deep understanding of space, and the incredible abilities she possesses can no longer be covered up by space.

She licked her lips and said with difficulty: "Yi Ruo, I told you, don't be... afraid... okay?"

When she said this, she became afraid first. She didn't want to deceive him, and she couldn't bear to favor him. However, if she told the truth, would Nangong Yi accept her time-travel identity? Will he resist her as a female ghost trying to seize her body? She was very worried, afraid that if she told the truth, men would not be able to accept her, be afraid of her, or have a grudge against her. Even though she knew that Nangong Yi would never do anything to hurt her, she was afraid that because of her If she confesses, he will reject her.

Nangong Yi's face became serious. For some reason, looking at Cai Wei's bright eyes so close to him, his throat felt tight for no reason. He frowned slightly and said in a deep voice, "I'm not afraid, just tell me."

Caiwei lowered her eyes, avoided the man's anxious eyes, and whispered: "I... am not from your world..."

The man was stunned: "Not from our world? What do you mean?"

Caiwei said with difficulty: "I am a ghost from another world. I died in an accident and traveled to your world. I happened to meet the owner of this body who had just starved to death, and something happened... The time traveled into her body and became her... So, do you understand?"

At this point, she stopped, raised her head, and stared at him closely with her clear eyes. There was a mysterious light beating, which made people believe, but also made people panic.

Caiwei's words made Nangong Yi's heart suddenly contract, and an unprecedented panic arose in his heart. This panic was not because he was frightened by her words, nor was it because what she said was too weird. But he suddenly had the feeling that the woman in front of him, his woman, was suddenly very far away from him, as if they were no longer in the same world.

Without thinking, he raised his hand and suddenly grabbed Caiwei's waist, pulled her into his arms, and held her tightly.

Caiwei never expected that he would suddenly react like this. She was stunned for a moment, as if she understood something, and leaned against Nangong Yi docilely, without saying a word or moving again.

The man's breathing seemed to be rapid, and in the quiet space, Caiwei even heard his strong and fast beating heartbeat. Nangong Yi's sensitivity was beyond Caiwei's expectation. The heart that was hanging high fell to the ground in an instant, and the eyes were a little hot.

He didn't reject her in the past, not even a trace of grudge. Otherwise, he should have pushed away and avoided her at this moment.

But instead of avoiding her, he hugged her tightly in his arms, holding her so hard and tight, as if he was afraid that she would disappear from his arms in the next second.

Yes, he is very scared now, with a kind of fear of gain and loss. The person he loves and is closest to is suddenly so far away from him. He doesn't know what her life was like before she became Mu Caiwei. , I don’t know where she comes from, let alone what she has experienced before.

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