Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1531 Wedding Night (3)

Nanny You has practiced this move for a long time, so she naturally knows how to throw good luck. So, after landing with a clang, Nanny You laughed: "Congratulations, young master, young lady, it's a good sign!"

After performing the wedding ceremony, Grandma You took the five-color flowers, fruits and copper coins that she had brought in earlier and scattered them under the tent. She read out the congratulations and finally said: "Young Master and Young Madam are very happy. Please come early." "Have a rest. Your servant will be in the wing next to the wedding room. If you need help for anything, just call." He said and led the servant down.

The shadows of candles in the boudoir are red behind the curtains, and there is only breath left in the room.

Fei'er was a little nervous, standing awkwardly in the middle of the floor, neither standing nor sitting. She wanted to speak but didn't know what to say. If she didn't speak, she felt the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

Before she got married, her mother taught her that if a man wants to be intimate with her, she must find a way to reject her and tell him that she is still young and should not be intimate with a man. If he really has her in his heart, ask him to be patient. Wait for her to grow up.

So, when she froze in the middle of the ground and saw him walking towards her, she took a few steps back reflexively and whispered: "Mo Ziqi, my mother said that I am still young, so... so..."

"So what?" Mo Ziqi raised his eyebrows and asked knowingly.

In fact, the reason why Mo Ziqi was eager to marry Fei'er was because he wanted to keep her by his side, raise her personally, and keep her pure heart, lest she be lost in the world and lose her pure nature. As for the relationship between men and women, It's not that he hasn't thought about it, but not now. He will wait, at least until she is fourteen or fifteen years old and Tiankui comes, and then he can have sex with her.

Therefore, Mayfair's worries are completely unnecessary. Because the man cherishes her, he will not hurt her in the slightest.

However, Fei'er didn't know what the man was thinking, and she still explained coquettishly: "So, you can't do anything to me... That... Oh, that's it..."

"Which one is that?" Mo Ziqi asked knowingly, looking at her funny.

"Which one is that?" Feier couldn't say it no matter what. She wrung her little hands, pursed her lips tightly, lowered her head, and didn't dare to look up at the man.


Mo Ziqi laughed out loud, raised his hand, suddenly pinched her little nose, and said, "Little one, you are overthinking. I didn't want to do anything to you!"

The tip of Fei'er's nose hurt a little. Regardless of her shyness, she raised her hand and slapped his hand away: "My nose is about to be twisted off."

"Let me take a look." Mo Ziqi let go of his hand and looked down at the tip of her nose with a serious look on his face. Then, he said extremely seriously: "It seems that I really can't twist it anymore."

Fei'er was stunned for a moment, a little stunned, and didn't dare to move: "What's wrong?"

Mo Ziqi looked at her frightened look, and the smile on his lips suddenly became a little evil: "If you twist it again, your nose will be twisted out."

"..." Fei'er gritted her teeth and looked at him, somewhat dumbfounded: "Mo Ziqi, you bad guy!"

It is late at night, and a silver-white moon hangs in the sky. It is cloudless tonight, and the moon looks particularly magnificent. The sky is dotted with sparkling stars, like a Milky Way paved with fine quicksand, lying on the blue sky. The earth has fallen asleep, and apart from the sound of the spring breeze, there is no sound in the entire palace.

Caiwei was thinking about whether Fei'er had done the courtesy to Mo Ziqi, so she didn't sleep. She wanted to send Parrot to have a look, but she felt it was unethical, so even if she went, they were doing that thing, and she What can be done? Even if she is the queen and Fei'er's sister, she has no right to care about other people's husband and wife's affairs under the covers, right?

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