Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1537 Helan Qi proposes marriage (4)

However, Mo Ziqi didn't feel bad because he didn't look at her seriously at all, and even if he did, he wouldn't feel bad for someone he didn't care about.

After seeing her coming from the opposite side, Mo Ziqi stopped and stood aside, holding his hands and waiting for her to pass first.

Nangong Yu walked up to Mo Ziqi, looked at him sadly, and said, "Congratulations to my cousin on his wedding. I'm so happy and congratulated that my cousin got his wish and married his sweetheart!"

Mo Ziqi narrowed his eyes and said without any warmth, "Thank you princess, Ziqi and Fei'er will definitely be happy."

Nangong Yu smiled reluctantly and said, "Yes, my cousin and Miss Mu Er are talented, beautiful, and in love with each other. How can they not be happy?"

Mo Ziqi didn't say anything or look at her. He just raised his copying hand to signal for her to pass first.

Nangong Yu knew that she was tired of him, so she smiled sadly, turned and left.

In order to see him, she had been lingering here for two hours. The result of her hard waiting was that he didn't even look at her.

She was sick, her face was pale and haggard, and she was too thin to be clothed. He didn't even say hello. It seemed that in his heart, she really didn't even have any place for her!

Can human feelings really be said to exist if they don’t exist?

I think back then, he had been waiting for her for so many years, but now, he didn't even want to look at her. She was disappointed, but unwilling to believe that this was true. However, her disbelief was always clearly displayed in front of her, leaving no room for her to argue.

"Princess, let's go back. Your body is weak, and the doctor said you shouldn't be exposed to the wind!"

Nangong Yu's personal maid persuaded her in a soft voice, wanting her master to stay at the palace. In order to see the general and get his pity, the princess wore a thin gauze dress with wide sleeves and had been wandering in the spring breeze for two days. It's been more than an hour. It is said that bones are frozen in spring and meat is frozen in autumn. The princess's body has been sick to begin with, and this blow may mean that she will be sick again.

Nangong Yu said: "Go to Yukun Palace, I want to see my mother!"

The palace maid hurriedly said: "Princess, please allow me to go back and get you a cloak. You can approve it before going to see the Queen Mother. Otherwise, the Queen Mother will definitely blame the slaves and others for the thin clothes the princess wears."

After saying that, she knelt down in front of Nangong Yu. Several of Nangong Yu's personal maids wanted to bring their cloaks to accompany her while she waited for the general. However, in order to arouse his pity, Princess Chaoyue did not allow them to wear cloaks. That's it. The Queen Mother would definitely feel distressed if she found out that she had been left alone in the cold wind for two hours.

She won't do anything to the princess, but they, the servants, will inevitably suffer from the physical pain!

Nangong Yu had something on her mind, so she couldn't wait patiently for them to go back to get the cloak. She ignored the palace maids who knelt in front of them and kowtowed to beg for mercy, and led them to Jade Kun Palace...

Inside Qinzheng Hall

Nangong Yi was discussing matters with Prime Minister Ning and others. It turned out that the king of Xianbei Kingdom had died and his queen wanted to marry the Great Jin Kingdom. He wanted to marry the direct princess of the Great Jin Kingdom as his queen to form an alliance with the Great Jin Kingdom!

He Lanqi did this because of a guilty conscience. The reason why Queen Mu was kidnapped by Le Chu was because he secretly colluded with Le Chu. When he entertained Queen Mu, he tampered with her food, which made Mu The queen suffered this disaster.

At that time, he never dreamed that Saknu would let her escape. If he had known that she could escape, even if a ghost pulled him, he would not dare to plot against her. He knew how powerful Jiya was at the beginning, and this Queen Mu could kill her easily, which shows that her skills must be much better than Jiya's. Therefore, after receiving a report from the side that the queen of the Jin Dynasty had returned safely, he was frightened and had nightmares every night. Afraid that she would suddenly break into his palace one day and kill him for revenge!

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