Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1542 Don’t be fooled (4)

After her grandson told Shen Juhua, he quickly regretted it. The daughter of the Qingxian County Magistrate was Caiwei's best friend. It was still unclear whether Caiwei would like her to marry Mo Zili. Now he was If I confess it, will I be criticized by her?

Thinking of this, he became afraid. His wife was pregnant now and she couldn't be angry. If he got angry because of his blunder and hurt the child, it would be his fault.

So, he hurriedly invited his grandmother to go to his mother's palace to discuss Chaoyue's marriage with his mother. He felt guilty and ran back to the imperial study to test Caiwei's tone.

When I returned, I unexpectedly saw Princess Chaogui in the courtyard of the Imperial Study. However, she did not chat with Caiwei in the room. Instead, she knelt outside the Imperial Study, waiting humbly and humbly for Caiwei's summons.

Seeing Nangong Yi, Chao Gui hurriedly kowtowed his head and humbly said: "Chao Gui, please see the emperor, long live the emperor!"

Nangong Yi ignored her and strode into the palace. In the room, Caiwei was discussing things with Liu Xi. When Nangong Yi entered the room, he vaguely heard Liu Xi's words about collecting goose and duck feathers. He didn't take it seriously and sent Liu Xi out.

"Eh? Didn't you go to see your grandma? Why are you back so early?" Seeing that he was back, Caiwei sat up straight and asked him curiously.

Nangong Yi said vaguely: "I thought about it and decided that it would be better for my mother to decide who Chaoyue will marry, so I asked my grandmother to discuss it with my mother."

Caiwei nodded and said: "It's okay. They say that a good daughter is worse than her mother. What kind of consort is suitable for Chaoyue? Your mother must know better than you. Why don't you let your mother choose?" After saying that, she picked up the teacup on the Kang table and gave it to him. I poured a cup of scented tea and handed it into his hand.

Nangong Yi took the tea and sat down next to Cai Wei. He stretched out his hand to touch her belly out of habit and said with a smile, "Have these little guys been naughty in the half day I've been away? Have they kicked you?" If there are, I will write them down again!"

Caiwei laughed and said, "Forget it, they kicked me so many times a day. If I wrote it down every time, I'm afraid the pen tips in the imperial study would be worn out and I wouldn't be able to remember them all!"

The man smiled with her, coughed, and finally got to the point: "Weier, I remember that you once said that the daughter of the magistrate of Qing County is very similar to the legitimate daughter of Marquis Jian'an, but is there such a thing? ?"

"Yeah? What's wrong?" Caiwei raised her eyebrows, confused.

Nangong Yi said cautiously: "Grandma wants to find a wife for Zili who is similar to Xiangyun, so... I think..."


Before Nangong Yi could finish speaking, Caiwei categorically rejected his proposal. She solemnly said: "Nangong Yi, give up your idea immediately. Why would you let someone else's good daughter be a substitute for another woman? Don't." It is said that Mo Zili will probably not be able to accept her for the rest of his life, and even if he can accept her, it would be too unfair to Juhua to treat Juhua as Xiangyun's substitute for the rest of his life."

Nangong Yi paused and said, "Weier, have you ever thought about it? In fact, being able to marry into Duke Li's Mansion, even as a substitute, is not necessarily a bad thing. Duke Li's Mansion is the most important thing in the world." The family is extremely wealthy. Once the girl marries in, she will be rich and prosperous throughout her life, and even her family will be protected. Although Zili has a more eccentric temperament, he is not the kind of man who likes to get into trouble. In this life, She is probably the only woman in the backyard. If she marries into another family, regardless of her family status, how many other children from rich families can refuse to take concubines or be lewd?"

Caiwei said: "Wealth, glory and power are just passing smoke. Only those women who are greedy for vanity will care about these. Juhua is not that kind of woman. She doesn't care about these. What she can care about is the man she married." How is the man? Is he a man worthy of being entrusted with her life? To take a step back, even if the person she marries later takes a concubine or changes his heart, at least she has loved her before, which is better than being someone else's substitute for her whole life. Besides, a substitute He is a substitute, always a substitute for others. If one day, Mo Zili meets a substitute who is more like her, where will he put his chrysanthemums? Therefore, I will never agree to you treating my good friend as your salvation. Don’t even think about Mo Zili’s test subject."

After saying this without any refutation, she added another sentence: "Oh, by the way, have you mentioned this to your grandmother?"

Nangong Yi curled up his fists, put them to his mouth and coughed dryly, and said, "When I just came back, I saw Chao Gui kneeling in the yard. What's going on?"

He deliberately changed the topic. If Caiwei knew that he had confessed to Chrysanthemum, she would not let him go. Therefore, he quickly changed the topic and tried to turn it to Chao Gui.

Seeing the man's guilty expression, she knew without guessing that he had already told Juhua. Caiwei rolled her eyes at him and said angrily: "Don't use Chaogui as a shield. I only ask you, are you Didn't you tell the chrysanthemum to you?"

Faced with his wife's aggressive questioning, Nangong Yi laughed twice and said guiltily: "Uh... yes..."

When Caiwei heard this, her eyebrows stood up straight, her almond-shaped eyes widened, and she said angrily: "I don't care, since you are the one who caused this matter for me, no matter what method you use, you must make it right for me. Don't allow Duke Li's government to have any ideas about chrysanthemums!"

His wife went crazy, and Nangong Yi suddenly withered. He knew he was in the wrong and didn't dare to argue, so he could only say feebly: "Yes, madam, my husband knows..."

Caiwei was still very angry after seeing the man surrendering. She said angrily: "This Mo Zili is real. At first, Xiangyun wanted to live a good life with him wholeheartedly, but he created Du Wanqing, who is disgusting. , and broke Xiangyun's heart for such a woman; now that Xiangyun doesn't want him, he misses her goodness again and has to rely on her, it's really funny!"

Nangong Yi said: "Stop blaming him. His life is very difficult now. Since he has endless regrets and has to bear the rumors he hears every day about how the prince and the princess are in love, I said this morning I received a report from the side that the Crown Princess of Qingluo Kingdom was pregnant, and the entire Qingluo Kingdom celebrated with a general amnesty. This news must have been enough to make Zili feel uncomfortable for a while."

"Xiangyun is pregnant! That's great!"

Caiwei touched her round belly and smiled broadly, feeling truly happy for her friend.

Since Xiangyun left Dajin, they had never communicated with each other. When she heard the news of her pregnancy, she hurriedly called Chunliu and asked her to submit a pen and ink. She picked up a pen and wrote a letter to Xiangyun. After that, she called out the parrot from the space and asked the parrot to go to Qingluo Kingdom and hand the letter into Xiangyun's hands.

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