Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1549 Show of Affection (2)

When her aunt came to see her, she deliberately pretended to be looking for life and death, forcing her aunt to vent her anger. Although her aunt felt sorry for her, she did not punish the shrew. She only sent an order for the shrew to come and apologize to her. It was really cheap. She did.

However, there are still days in the future. Sooner or later, she will overthrow that shrew, let her cousin see how good she is, fall in love with her, despise the shrew, and replace her as the crown prince of Qingluo Kingdom. Concubine......

In the palace, Wanyan Jingchen and Xiangyun greeted their father, the emperor and his mother, and then took a car to the Jingyang County Lord's Mansion to apologize.

Today's Wanyan Jingchen is no longer the Situ Changge of the past. He is the only prince of Qingluo Kingdom with a noble status. When he left the palace, Emperor Qingluo and Queen Namuhan specially arranged for twenty of the most powerful hidden guards to follow them quietly. They do not affect the couple's leisure time, but also protect their safety.

On the way, Wanyan Jingchen held Xiang Yun's hand and said, "Yun'er, I really wronged you by asking you to apologize to her."

Xiang Yun leaned her head against the car window, her big eyes looking at the bustle of Yu Street with lust. She had never come out since entering the palace.

Hearing the man's words, Xiangyun said openly: "I'm not wronged. The people I care about are all on my side. I just went to comfort her frustrated person. It's no big deal. Oh, by the way, you Do you think we should bring some gifts? Otherwise, it would seem that we are too insincere if we apologize empty-handed!"

She didn't say that she wanted to go shopping, but the man had already guessed her thoughts. When the car reached a market, he ordered the car to stop and took her to go shopping.

The market was bustling and lively, with stalls selling goods one after another. Xiangyun had been waiting in the palace for several months, looking at the pavilions, pavilions, rockeries and gardens all day long. At first sight, he saw this down-to-earth market. The city was full of excitement. He took Wanyan Jingchen with him and looked around here and there. Everything he saw felt fresh and curious.

Wanyan Jingchen accompanied her and patiently explained to her some things unique to the Qingluo Kingdom. He was afraid that she would be knocked down by others. He ignored the surprised looks in the eyes of others and stretched out his arms around her waist. He looked cautious, as if What he held in his arms seemed to be the most precious treasure in the world.

"Jingchen, what should we buy her?"

Xiangyun happily wandered from one stall to another, trying a bamboo hat on his head for a while, and looking at the rouge in front of the makeup stall. A child from the outside world.

Wanyan Jingchen thought for a while, pointed to the bamboo shoot seller in front and said, "Just buy her some bamboo shoots!"

"Bamboo shoots, aren't they too simple? Let's go apologize to someone, but we have to bring some ginseng and cinnamon or something!"

"No need."

Wanyan Jingchen's eyes narrowed slightly and she smiled lightly: "She has everything in the county master's mansion, and she doesn't lack the things we have, as long as she gets what she wants."

Xiangyun didn't have that many twists and turns. After hearing what he said, he just said that the spring bamboo shoots were delicious, so he happily went to buy bamboo shoots from him. In order not to appear frivolous, Xiangyun deliberately sold the spring bamboo shoots to the little boy who was selling them. The stall was secured, and the vendor was paid to deliver the spring bamboo shoots directly to the house of Jingyang County Lord.

After buying the bamboo shoots, Xiangyun still wanted to go shopping for a while. Wanyan Jingchen couldn't bear to refuse, so he had to protect her and start shopping on the street.

When passing by a theater, Xiangyun's eyes lit up. He pulled Wanyan Jingchen's sleeve and begged, "Wanyan Jingchen, I haven't gone to a theater in a long time. How about we go see a theater?"

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