Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1552 Show of Affection (5)

Wanyan Jingchen said: "I remember that when we left Dajin, you told Empress Mu that we wanted to marry our children, but they gave birth to three children at once, and we only had one. After the birth of this child, we had to rush If I give birth to two more children, how can I marry them?"

When Xiangyun heard this, she lowered her head and looked at her belly. Her fetus was only three months old and had not yet appeared pregnant. The doctor could not tell whether it was one fetus or several fetuses.

"Hey, it would be great if I could also be pregnant with triplets!" Her expression was a bit expectant.

But the man said: "What's so good about being pregnant with triplets? I saw in the side newspaper yesterday that Queen Mu of the Jin Dynasty was pregnant with triplets. The fetuses, which are only more than five months old, are already as big as a belly." She has a bulging belly, as if she is about to give birth to full term. I heard that fetuses only grow in the last two months. She looks like that now. What will her belly look like in the last two months? Besides, It is said that twins or multiple children are not smart because the mother gives the wisdom that should be given to one child to two or more. Therefore, I would rather we give birth to each other one by one than you giving birth to so many at once. !"

In this world, there is no father who doesn't hope that he can have twins or multiple children. Wanyan Jingchen said this because he was afraid that Xiangyun would be disappointed in the future, so he made such insincere remarks.

But Xiangyun pursed his lips and held it in for a long time before saying, "Jingchen, I'm afraid of pain, so I want to give birth to a few more at once."

Wanyan Jingchen said gently and seriously: "It's okay, if Yun'er is afraid of pain, she won't have any more babies after we give birth to our son..."

"Jingchen..." Xiangyun pursed his lips, his big eyes suddenly misty, and he was completely moved by what the man said.

As the crown prince and the heir apparent of the Qingluo Kingdom, her man shoulders the important responsibility for the future of the entire Qingluo Kingdom. Who in his position doesn't want to spread his branches and have many children and grandchildren, but he is the only one, because he is reluctant to part with it. She was so hurt that she was willing to have only one son in her life. This deep affection was so touching that Xiangyun will always remember it in her heart.

However, although Xiangyun is afraid of pain, she will not give up just after giving birth to a son. She loves her man, so for her man, she can endure the pain of childbirth. Even if it hurts, she will admit it!

The guard sent out by Wanyan Jingchen came back not long after, holding something wrapped in a lotus leaf. Before the lotus leaf could be opened, Xiangyun could smell the fragrance wafting from the lotus leaf.

"Oh, what is it? It smells so good!" After smelling the fragrance, Xiangyun couldn't help but be moved by the man's expression. She stared at the lotus leaf and kept questioning, her eyes doubled in size.

"You are a royal princess after all. You have never tasted anything delicious, so why are you so greedy?"

Wanyan Jingchen unwrapped the lotus leaves wrapped in layers, revealing a fish that was grilled greasy, hot, and steaming white hot.

"Wow! Which restaurant made this fish? Why is it so delicious?"

Xiangyun exclaimed, put a pair of small hands on the table, looked at the fish wrapped in lotus leaves with burning eyes, puffed out his cheeks and kept blowing hot air, hoping that it would cool down quickly.

Her expression was so cute that after seeing it, the man couldn't help but reach out and pinch her little nose.

"Perhaps you should ask, what kind of fish is this and why does it smell so good?"

However, Xiangyun did not respond to him, because at this moment, she had already opened her chopsticks and started to eat happily. She had no time to ask what kind of fish it was and why it was so fragrant!

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