Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1563 Liu Xi’s learning (2)

He also agreed to Chaoyue's marriage to Mo Zili. His sister was already unfaithful and would not marry anyone. Even if he forced her to marry off with his power, she would inevitably be looked down upon by her husband's family. If Marrying into the Duke Li's palace is a different matter.

With her grandmother and uncles and aunts here, even if everyone dislikes her, they won't let her suffer. The chance of Mo Zili falling in love with Chao Yue is almost zero, but he will never look down on Chao Yue because of her past. She, at least Chaoyue, can live a decent life as Mrs. Li in Duke Li's mansion...

The matter was settled like this. Nangong Yi had the same thoughts as Empress Dowager Mo, fearing that something might happen soon, so he announced in the court the next day that he would marry Princess Chaoyue to Xianbei as his queen, and prepared the plan for the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After paying the princess's dowry, the Ministry of War will send 500 cavalry seven days later to escort the princess to Xianbei for the marriage.

The so-called "Princess Chaoyue" is naturally replaced by "Princess Chaogui". Chaogui knew that she could marry to Xianbei as a legitimate princess and become a queen. Naturally, she was very willing and overjoyed. .

Ever since she fell into the water during the Plum Blossom Appreciation Banquet last winter, she had fallen out of favor with the Queen. The palace people all worshiped the superior and despised the inferior. Seeing that her repeated requests to see the Queen were rejected, they only thought that she had no hope in this life. Slowly They all became sluggish, and some of them started to mess with her.

Chao Gui also thought that she had no hope in this life. She didn't expect that such a big pie would fall from the sky. While she was ecstatic, she calmly analyzed it and felt that if she wanted to establish a firm foothold in Xianbei, she needed to She needs a strong backing, and the Kingdom of Jin is her best backing. As long as she has a good relationship with Queen Mu, she will become the queen of Xianbei and no one can shake her.

Therefore, the night before her wedding, she came to the royal study to see Caiwei again, hoping to ask for Caiwei's forgiveness. This time, Caiwei finally met her.

This was the first time Caiwei had seen her since the plum blossom appreciation feast last year, and of course, it was also the last time. After she married Xianbei and became the queen, thousands of miles away from Dajin, it was not easy to meet her. Of course, Caiwei also had something to say to her, so she took the opportunity to see her.

Although she was about to become the queen of Xianbei, Chao Gui still knelt down and bowed down to Cai Wei.

"Empress, Chao Gui will leave tomorrow. Chao Gui will always remember your care for Chao Gui. It was Chao Gui who failed to live up to his expectations and made a big mistake, which disappointed the empress. Chao Gui was too presumptuous. I deeply regret and feel ashamed of the Queen's love and teachings. I often eat to my heart's content and can't sleep at night. But it's already too late to regret after what happened. Chao Gei will leave tomorrow, so I came here specifically to apologize to the Queen. If the Queen doesn't forgive me, Chao Gei, Chao Gei won’t feel at ease even if Chao Gei leaves!"

Caiwei said calmly: "Sometimes, in order to obtain a better life, people sometimes use some tricks and scheming. It's understandable. But everything has its limits. It's not good to go too far, especially things that don't belong to you. It seems immoral to risk your own life to rob it, and it is not what a mother of a country should do."

After listening to Caiwei's words, Chao Gui said humbly, "What the Queen taught is very true. Once Chao Gui has been taught, he must keep it in mind and reflect on himself from time to time to avoid making mistakes again."

Her attitude was humble and submissive, almost lowering herself to the dust. Caiwei didn't want to be too harsh, so she asked her to get up and gave her a seat.

Chao Gui carefully sat down, only halfway up her body, and spoke to Cai Wei with a low eyebrow.

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