Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1566 Giving birth (1)

In September, the capital is no longer as hot as it was a few days ago. Early in the morning, before the fog has dispersed, the emperor's support walks up the Imperial Street.

In the dragon chariot, Nangong Yi glanced at Caiwei's big belly, his face still darkening. Looking at Caiwei's smiling face, he said coldly: "It's really a worry-free thing. I'll give birth soon. Good luck." Can't you just stay in the palace? You have to run out and let me worry about it. I am confused and have become crazy before agreeing to bring you here! How come I grant you everything you ask for!"

Caiwei smiled and hooked Nangong Yi's finger and said, "Today is my grandfather's birthday. We are here in person. It also shows that we value him. Moreover, I can also take the opportunity to meet my father and the two little brothers. I haven’t seen them for many days, and I miss them very much. If I wait until I finish giving birth and confinement to see them again, it will take more than a month. I think about it to death, so I might as well take this opportunity to come and see you. Don’t worry, the imperial doctor and the nuns checked me out yesterday. The babies haven’t moved down yet, and they are all doing well. It will take at least ten days to give birth. From the palace to here, there is an official road, It's very flat. It only takes a stick of incense to go back to the palace. What could happen? I've been stuck in the palace these days, and I'm really depressed. It's finally cool today, and it's my grandfather's birthday. You just treat it like this. Take me out for a ride and relax."

Caiwei is more than eight months pregnant and will give birth in the next few days. Although she is in good condition now, she may give birth at any time. Everything is ready in the palace. The midwives and doctors who deliver the baby, the nuns who take care of the confinement, the nuns who deliver breast milk, and the nannies for the little princes are all in place, waiting for Cai Wei's belly.

Today is the birthday of Duke Li Guo. Nangong Yi originally planned to come by himself, but due to the hot weather, Caiwei has not been able to leave the house for several months. She has complained several times in frustration. It is rare to see her today. The weather was neither hot nor cold, and it was Duke Li's birthday, so Caiwei insisted on coming. Nangong Yi didn't know why he was so crazy at the time, but it was as if her brain had been knocked out by her, and he confused her He was brought out, and halfway through, he started to get scared. He was about to turn around and go back immediately, but Caiwei immediately showed a pleading look. Nangong Yi couldn't bear to refuse, even though there were twelve unwillingnesses in his heart. , brought her here anyway.

The location of Duke Li Guo's Mansion is very good. It is very close to the palace. After leaving the palace, it only takes a stick of incense to reach the main entrance of Duke Li Guo's Mansion.

Nangong Yi and Cai Wei arrived early, but the ministers in the court were earlier than them. It was just dawn, and the gate of Duke Liguo's mansion was already busy with traffic and guests.

The eunuchs had already arrived at Duke Li's mansion to report the arrival of the Emperor and Queen. Duke Li and his ministers had been waiting at the door for a long time. Before Nangong Yi's car could stop, Duke Li, headed by Duke Li, The disciples of the government and all the ministers who came to celebrate his birthday knelt down to receive him.

Caiwei was sitting in the dragon chariot. Through the window, she accidentally saw Mo Zili among the crowd. She was very curious. Wasn't he in Qingluo Kingdom? Why did you come back?

But she has been bored in the palace for a long time, and her people have become gossipy. Therefore, I really want to know what Mo Zili is thinking now. Has he given up on Xiangyun? Will you compromise on marrying Chaoyue? These were none of her business, but she was just curious and wanted to know!

Nangong Yi let everyone lie down and helped Caiwei get off the dragon chariot. The nuns who were accompanying her had already come over to support her and carried her to the backyard in a soft sedan chair.

In the backyard, the old lady took the female relatives of Duke Li and the women who came to wish her a birthday and gave a grand ceremony to Caiwei. Because she was in front of people, Caiwei couldn't refuse, so she had to accept everyone's bows calmly.

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