Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1571 Giving birth (6)

The Turtle Immortal was invited out. He slowly took Caiwei's pulse and said calmly: "It's okay. The master is the first fetus. From the time he was born to the time the baby was born, it didn't take two or three hours." I can’t give birth. "

After saying that, he took out the birth control pills specially prepared for Caiwei and asked Caiwei to take it so that she could give birth to the baby quickly and suffer less. Po Wen, who went to Duke Li's mansion with Caiwei, was also called into the dragon chariot and guided Caiwei to take a deep breath...

The carriage moved very quickly, and it arrived at the palace gate in a short time. It entered the palace in a hurry, from the main gate to the Yimen, the second gate, and all the thresholds were removed. The dragon chariot drove directly in and drove directly to the imperial study room.

Before the carriage stopped, Nangong Yi jumped out with Yingluo in his arms and walked quickly to the prepared delivery room, telling everyone who was preparing to speed up.

Fortunately, preparations for production have been made long ago, and everything is ready-made. However, after a moment of chaos due to the unexpected situation, the imperial study became orderly.

In the delivery room, Caiwei had changed her clothes and lay down on the bed. Nangong Yi stood beside her with a nervous look on her face, wiping Caiwei's forehead with a warm handkerchief. The four midwives were already in place.

The squatter nanny was dumbfounded when she saw that Nangong Yi was still in the delivery room, comforting the queen with gentle words, but had no intention of leaving.

This woman is going to give birth to a baby, how can she give birth if the man doesn’t leave the delivery room? Isn't this adding to the chaos? !

It was said that the emperor doted on the queen to the core, and he actually issued an edict for the queen never to have a concubine. These days they lived in the royal study and waited for the birth, which was really a gain for them.

There really are such infatuated people in the world. He is obviously a majestic and aloof emperor, but when he comes to the queen, he really becomes a husband who loves his wife.

But even if I cherish my wife no matter how much I do, I can't lose my sense of proportion now.

Mammy plucked up her courage and said tremblingly: "Your Majesty, your Majesty is about to give birth. Do you think you need to avoid me?"

No matter how Nangong Yi was willing to go out, he saw that Cai Wei's face was pale at the moment, and said coldly: "I'm not going anywhere, I'm just staying here with the Queen, you can do whatever you need to do, don't worry about me. !"

After saying that, he looked at Caiwei and said, "Weier, I'm here to accompany you, okay? I want to see our children be born safely." His voice was full of requests.

Caiwei is actually not afraid of childbirth. Women's childbirth in previous lives was not that scary, so she really doesn't have much feeling for the idea that women in ancient times would survive the afterlife after giving birth. I always feel that it is not that scary, which makes stupid people bold.

She was panicking in the car just now because the incident happened so suddenly, but now that she had returned home, she calmed down. Seeing Nangong Yi like this, she immediately said: "No! Get out quickly, I will It can be done. Besides, there is also the Great Immortal Turtle. He has been watching me in space and contacting me with his mind. He will never let me do anything wrong. Get out quickly!"

The ladies didn't understand what the queen meant by the turtle space, but they understood the last sentence. The queen was chasing the emperor out again.

So, the emperor had no choice but to go out of the house, looking back three times. This was definitely the most difficult day. From noon to evening, there was no sound in the delivery room. Only the maids could be seen coming in and out, sometimes bringing cakes, sometimes holding ginseng soup. Hot water and clean clothes are provided temporarily...

Coming and going, every time someone came out, Nangong Yi couldn't help but stop him and ask about what was going on inside, just like an ant on a hot pot.

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