Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1575 Dragon and Phoenix Triplets (4)

He said, caressing her eyes, and when she closed them, he leaned over and placed a kiss on them.

Caiwei retracted her tears and turned her attention to the three children. The three little ones were all lying in bright red swaddling clothes, with only their little heads exposed, and three wrinkled, red little faces. It's not as big as the palm of her hand, but it can be seen that they are exactly the same. If someone hadn't given them different little bracelets in the order they were born, she wouldn't be able to tell which one was which.

Nangong Yi also leaned down to look at their children with Caiwei, although at first he thought they were not very good-looking, because in his impression, the children should all be white, fat, and Yuxue was cute, not Three little red monkeys, but now, the more he looks at them, the more he likes them. The more he looks at them, the more cute they feel. He loves them so much that he can't wait to pile the best things in the world in front of them.

At this time, Chunliu reported from outside the curtain: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, it's time to breastfeed your little highnesses."

Caiwei looked around and saw several nannies standing shadowy outside. They were the nannies selected by Queen Mother Mo from the "** Mansion" for her children.

Looking at the three tender little buns, and thinking that they would be suckling in the arms of another woman, Caiwei suddenly felt jealous, and she said, "Yi, how about I feed the children myself!"


Nangong Yi rejected her without even thinking: "You have just given birth to three children, which has consumed a lot of physical energy. You'd better take good care of your body. These wet nurses were carefully selected by the queen mother in the ** Mansion, and the milk is absolutely guaranteed." No worse than yours!"

The Jin State specially set up an agency to supply wet nurses in the palace, commonly known as the "** Mansion". Every year, the imperial court selects nursing mothers (nurses) from the people in the suburbs of Beijing, who are specially used to feed royal babies. The selection criteria are very strict. There are admirals and eunuchs who supervise the affairs and are subordinate to Jinyiwei. Every year in the fourth month of spring, summer, autumn and winter, It is necessary to select 40 nipples, of which half are boys and half are girls, and are kept in the "** Mansion" for use in the inner palace, which is called "sitting season nipples". In addition, 80 candidates will be selected, and only their nationality will be recorded, and they will still be allowed to live in their own homes, which is called "Dianmao Nursing Home".

Caiwei has met these wet nurses before. They are all carefully selected from the "** Mansion". They are all between fifteen and twenty years old. They are healthy, have good looks, and have two children. It can only be done when the child is just three months old, and before officially entering the palace, he has received special etiquette training.

Although she was unwilling to do so, the man was right. Her milk could not be fed by three little ones, so a wet nurse was still necessary.

However, they were only substitutes. She could only let them take her place when she could not feed her and her milk was not enough. She did not want her children to grow up eating other people's milk.

When the time comes, it will be tragic if they get close to the wet nurse instead of her.

The royal wet nurse will not only receive generous rewards and remuneration for nursing the prince for a period of time, but if the prince ascends to heaven in the future, the emperor's wet nurse will rise to the top and be honored, and even the children of the family will be treated favorably and enjoy endless glory and wealth. .

Even if the prince makes the queen and goes to the fief, he can still treat the wet nurse favorably, give them honor, and let their family dominate the fief.

Caiwei had read the history of the Ming Dynasty in her previous life, and had also heard about the evil deeds done by the saintly lady Hakka. Not only did she control the entire harem, but even the pregnant concubine was tortured to death, and she ordered the domestic slaves to call her "Nine Thousand People" "The old lady" colluded with Wei Zhongxian and formed a clique for personal gain, causing Queen Zhang to miscarry, Princess Feng to die suddenly in the wilderness, and three other princes and two princesses all died in infancy because of her.

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