Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1585 Chao Gei’s Determination (1)

It is not easy to get Nangong Yi to agree to her going to Lingbei. Not to mention that she has three buns that need her milk, just her previous disappearance is enough for him to refuse all her excursions. , therefore, there is no need to rush this matter, we need to find opportunities and figure it out slowly...

Before she could think of a solution, the opportunity suddenly came, because the annual autumn hunt was here. As usual, the emperor would take the Queen Mother, Princess Chaoyue and other royal relatives and all the civil and military officials of the court to the royal hunting grounds for hunting. It took three days of driving back and forth.

Three days were enough for Caiwei to go to Lingbei, so she did not go with Nangong Yi on the grounds that she had to take care of the little prince and princesses. Although Nangong Yi was reluctant to leave them, he had to separate from them. After asking them over and over again several times, I reluctantly said goodbye to their mother and son.

As soon as the man left, Caiwei ordered Chunliu Xiaozhi and others to pack their things, take the three naughty buns and the nanny of the buns, and quietly returned to Mu Mansion to visit the bride.

Her plan was simple. Leave the children in Mu's Mansion, go to Lingbei, collect the glass there, and then come back. Although she couldn't bear to be separated from her babies, the glass in Lingbei had already cost more than one million yuan, and several glass shops in the capital had sold out and were eagerly waiting for her glass. Restocking!

Mu Zhongqing and Mrs. Du were naturally overjoyed to see their daughter come back with her grandson and granddaughters, and they were so excited to hold their grandsons and granddaughters in their arms.

Jin'er, Yu'er and Mingzhu have three little breast buns for more than four months. They are white and tender. They can already turn over and are so cute and tight! Mrs. Du put Die'er and three milk buns together, and the four little guys started playing happily. They looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, both novel and happy.

Die'er was already able to stagger. She probably wanted to show off her ability in front of these little naughty buns who were smaller than her, so she stumbled on the kang with her short legs. She started walking, but within a few steps, her two calves tripped together and fell down, causing the three little naughty buns to giggle. Die'er didn't know whether it was because she was hurt by the fall or because she was shy. , I closed my eyes, opened my little mouth, and started crying "Wow wow wow", which made everyone laugh...

During dinner, Caiwei said to Du and Mu Zhongqing: "Father, mother, I will go to the hunting ground to accompany the emperor later. The children can stay at home these days!"

Mu Zhongqing said hurriedly: "Since you are going, I will send a few guards to take you there. Otherwise, I will have someone go back to the palace and ask the guards to come out to see you off!"

Caiwei said: "No need, I just ride there alone. I want to give the emperor a surprise!"

Although Mu Zhongqing and Du Shi did not agree with their daughter's decision, they also knew her daughter's abilities, so they had nothing to worry about and agreed.

After dinner, Caiwei wore casual clothes and rode a horse out of the mansion. At this moment, she finally felt the man's mood in the morning. She had never been so reluctant to let go. Before they were separated, she was already I’m starting to miss her three milk buns!

After leaving Mu's Mansion, she hit her horse and rushed out of the city. On the bustling streets, people were coming and going, not only those on horses like her, but also those riding cars, walking, and even riding bicycles!

The bicycle was developed by Liu Xi, who opened a bicycle processing factory specializing in the production of bicycles. The price of a bicycle ranges from hundreds to thousands, depending on the number of gold, jade and gems decorated on the bicycle. to decide.

This novel gadget soon set off a craze in the Jin Dynasty. Children of nobles and wealthy families were proud to own a bicycle. Everyone rushed to Liu Xi's processing factory to place orders and orders. The workers were very busy. Overjoyed, Liu Xi made a lot of money.

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