Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1589 Chao Gei’s Determination (5)

Caiwei raised her eyebrows with a smile and said with a smile: "Tsk, tsk, where are we? Look, before we get married, she regards Meng Nu as her side. It's really a bad choice for a girl!"

Upon hearing this, Chao Yun blushed and said, "Look, I just said it casually. There is no other meaning. You are too worried!"

Caiwei joked: "I heard that some people are preparing for their weddings, so I can't help but be worried!"

Chaoyun's face turned redder, and he lowered his neck and sighed: "Miss, you also know that I didn't want to get married, but I still have to get married after all..."

"This is what is called fate!"

Caiwei said with a smile: "Sister Chaoyun, with such a face, can make the young prince fall in love with you. If your original beauty is restored, I wonder how the young prince will be happy!"

In the past, every time Caiwei said that she wanted to restore her beauty, Chao Yun would be indifferent and look like she didn't care. Only this time, when she heard the words "restore her beauty", her eyes lit up. , gave birth to many expectations.

Maybe it’s because women want to please their appearance. When you have a loved one, people who don’t care about appearance start to care about it too.

Her expression was noticed by Caiwei, who said with a smile: "I'm here this time to help you restore your appearance, but don't worry, I haven't been here for several months. I'll finish checking the account first, and then help you restore your appearance."


Chao Yun nodded, suppressed his excitement, and went to the inner room to move the account books...

Chaoyun also remembered the accounts very carefully. There were hundreds of shops in the commercial street, and the monthly accounts were recorded in detail. Caiwei checked it all afternoon and found that the turnover of the commercial street was higher than that of the same period last year. It was about 20% higher. Counting it all, the entire commercial street had earned more than 200,000 taels of silver in the past few months. However, all of these 200,000 taels were used by Chao Yun to pay for the glass. The account was paid, so there was no money on the cabinet.

Unknowingly, it was already evening and the account was finally checked. Caiwei's stomach was growling. She had hardly eaten all day and only drank two bowls of human milk. Now her stomach was already growling. They sang about the empty city strategy.

She put away her account book and said to Chaoyun: "Is there anything special and delicious on this street? Let's go eat some together!"

Chaoyun said: "You don't need to tell me, I have already prepared it. There is a private restaurant in the north of the street. The bowl of incense and lamb and scorpion there are delicious. I have already ordered some special dishes there." , Miss, try it later to see if it tastes good!"


Caiwei shook her neck, stood up, and said, "The food hasn't been delivered yet, so why not take advantage of the moment and let me help you restore your appearance!"

As he said that, he took out a jasper-colored glass bottle and handed it over, "Just apply this on your face and wash it off with water!"

Chaoyun took the bottle, blessed Xiang Caiwei, turned around and went into the inner room.

Caiwei took the opportunity to take out a bracelet with eighteen Melo beads in the space, a pair of gold earrings inlaid with Melo beads, an emerald crested hairpin, and a pair of fine white jade. The dragon and phoenix bracelet is a gift for her wedding next month.

Next month, she was afraid that she would not be able to attend her wedding, so she sent a congratulatory gift in advance to express her blessing and reward for her hard work.

Just as she took out these things, footsteps suddenly came from outside. Caiwei thought it was the food delivery person, but she didn't expect that after the door curtain was lifted, it was the young prince Tuoba Hong who came in.

The young prince was a little surprised to see Caiwei coming here, but he still said politely: "Why don't you say anything when the Queen is here, so that the young prince can help you?"

Caiwei said: "I heard that the young prince is getting married to Chaoyun next month, so I came here specially to send a congratulatory gift!"

At this time, the young prince had already seen several things placed in front of Caiwei's table, and he held his hands and said: "These things are really rare treasures. The queen has spent so much money on them, and the young prince feels really sorry!" "

Caiwei said: "Since I feel sorry for you, from now on, treat Chao Chaoyun as a good girl and don't let her be wronged!"

Tuoba Hong solemnly said: "This matter, Xiao Wang would have done it even without the Queen's instructions. Chaoyun is the best woman in the world. Xiao Wang is lucky to marry her. Xiao Wang himself You should cherish her and never let her suffer the slightest injustice."

Caiwei smiled and said, "Perhaps Chaoyun is better than you think!"

Tuoba Hong didn't know what was going on and asked, "What does the queen mean by this?"

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