Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1598 Mo Ziqi protects his wife (4)

This matter is indeed full of doubts. After Nangong Yi experienced the initial heartache and pain, he has gradually calmed down. He repeatedly thought and scrutinized several important plots and felt that there were many doubts. After hearing the Queen Mother's words, he said: " Queen mother, please be at peace. There are more doubts about this matter than just the two things mentioned by mother. I have thought about it carefully and feel that there are many more suspicious things. For example, Yu'er was pushed down the stream and knocked down on the rocks, but I feel that, Yu'er is older than Mrs. Mo in both age and stature. How could she be pushed down by Mrs. Mo all of a sudden? And I have seen Yu'er's wound. Although the wound is deep, it will not cause death immediately, but Lan'er said that Yu'er died immediately; also, Lan'er said that she was stopped by Yingchun some distance away from Mrs. Mo and Yu'er, and she never really met Mrs. Mo from the beginning to the end, so how could she know That Mrs. Mo is this Mrs. Mo. Could it be someone Qiao Zhuang pretending to be her? To frame her up?"

When Empress Dowager Mo heard Nangong Yi's words, she was highly suspected of excusing Mu Caifei, and immediately shouted: "What does the emperor mean by these words? Do you want to excuse that bitch? Yu'er is your biological sister. Her bones are not cold yet. Are you going to cover up her murderer?"

Nangong Yi said: "Mother, I am just discussing the matter. If Mrs. Mo is really the murderer of Yu'er, I will never tolerate it. However, the doubts in this case do exist. Does the mother hope to hastily conclude the case based on subjective assumptions and let others Did the real murderer escape?"

"Who is the real murderer? Mu Caifei is the real murderer. When Yu'er was killed yesterday, everyone was at the bonfire party. She was not the only one who was not present, so she had the conditions to commit the crime. Also, what the emperor said about Mu Caifei could not be dismissed. When it came to overthrowing Yu'er, Yu'er was a noble girl. She was delicate and naturally not as strong as a wild girl like her who grew up in a mountain village. She was certainly no match for her. Yu'er fell face down, most likely He was knocked unconscious and drowned; and her girl named Yingchun, she was obviously the most powerful witness, why did she hang herself at this time? In short, there are various signs that Ming Mu Caifei wanted to kill me. Yu'er's murderer, Your Majesty, if you don't deal with justice and favor the bitch, I, I, I..."

As Empress Dowager Mo spoke, she suddenly pulled out the big phoenix hairpin on her head, pointed it at her neck, and said loudly: "I will accompany my poor Yu'er to the Palace of Hell to complain!"

Queen Mother Mo was so excited that she could no longer speak sensibly. Her eyes were red, as if she wanted to tear Feier to pieces, which made Feier tremble with fear.

This is the emperor's family matter, and it is natural for ministers not to get involved in it. However, this matter has an indistinguishable relationship with Duke Li. Both the victim and the suspected murderer are close relatives of Duke Li. At this moment, No one was as heavy-hearted as he was.

Before, he had been silent, thinking about the case and observing the development of the situation, but now, seeing that Queen Mother Mo was suddenly so excited that she lost her mind, he hurriedly came out of the queue and said: "Your Majesty, please be patient." The veteran said that this case involves the life of the princess and is of great importance. The veteran members took the initiative to ask for permission from the emperor and the queen mother to hand over the case to the veteran for trial. The veteran promised to get to the bottom of the case within three days and seek justice for the princess. Neither let the real murderer of the princess escape, nor let innocent people be wronged."

After hearing this, Nangong Yi said without hesitation: "It's accurate!"

Li Guogong is a thoughtful person who once served in Dali Temple when he was young. He is very good at reasoning in solving cases, so Nangong Yi feels relieved when the case is handed over to him.

However, Empress Dowager Mo was not very relieved about her old father. She knew that no one in Liguo Palace liked her Yu'er, so she cried to her father and said, "Father, don't just remember your grandson's daughter-in-law and forget about you." Your granddaughter, you can remarry a barren granddaughter-in-law, but Yu'er is the flesh that fell off your biological daughter!"

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