Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1601 Caiwei Investigation (2)

Du Shi was dumbfounded. It turned out that the third child was a cunning and cunning little guy who used his cuteness as a disguise to snatch what he wanted when people were unprepared. He was so smart at a young age, but when he grew up, he still had trouble Must not become a spirit!

When Caiwei hurried home, she happened to see this warm scene.

After not seeing each other for two days, she really missed these fleshy little babies. The children looked at her with surprise in their clear and bright eyes. They stretched out their fat and short lotus-like hands towards her. She reached out to her arms and screamed, Caiwei leaned down and kissed them one by one, then looked at them intently, the deep motherly love was reflected in her eyes...

Seeing that her daughter was back, Mrs. Du thought she had come back from the hunting ground, so she said naggingly: "Shengjia is still at the hunting ground, why did you come back early? Oh, by the way, have you eaten? What were you wearing at the hunting ground these two days?" So, did you sleep well..."

From last night to now, in order to rush on the road, Caiwei didn't eat anything, and of course she didn't sleep. She even squeezed her breasts on the road. Just to save time and come back early, firstly, Nangong Yi would not notice that she went out, and secondly, she could see her babies quickly!

Hearing what her mother said, she felt really hungry, so she said, "I missed my child, so I came back early without even eating."

"It's not just that you haven't eaten. I look at you. I'm afraid you haven't even slept well. You are the same. The child is here with your mother. What are you thinking about? Look at you. You've only been out for two days and you've lost weight. …"

Du Shi looked at the dark circles under her daughter's eyes, scolding her with distress, while ordering someone to prepare food for her.

Mu Zhongqing took a break today. When he heard that his daughter was back, he came over to talk to her.

Although Mu Zhongqing's official position is not high today, he is the head of the country and is supposed to be qualified to go to the hunting grounds. However, Mu Zhongqing declined. He is a gentle and kind-hearted person who can't stand those who kill animals. Instead of looking at the bloody scenes of innocent animals, it would be better to stay at home with my wife and children.

"Weier, there is something that dad wants to discuss with you."

Mu Zhongqing was sitting steadily on the carved rosewood armrest chair, slowly stirring the tea leaves in the teacup. He was wearing a brown Sichuan brocade round-neck robe embroidered with Ruyi cloud patterns, and under his feet was a pair of white brocade gangsters. Official boots, tied around the waist is the Pisces purse that Du Shi embroidered for him, and the bottom is decorated with South Pearl tassel accessories.

Nowadays, his life is becoming more and more prosperous, and he has gained a lot of weight. He is no longer the sallow and skinny poor scholar in Mujiacun, and he looks more and more like an official!

"What's going on!"

Caiwei teased the three little soft buns and couldn't bear to move her eyes away.

"Is such that."

Mu Zhongqing coughed and said, "During this period, Empress Dowager Mo has been sending people to find her father, asking her to talk to Fei'er and ask her to persuade Ziqi to marry Princess Chaoyue. This matter has made my father It's very difficult. Dad doesn't like his son-in-law to marry someone else, especially if he marries a princess with a high status. However, if he doesn't agree, it will appear that he is disrespectful to the Queen Mother, and he is suspected of being disrespectful, so... "

"Dad, don't worry about this, I'll go tell her!"

Caiwei's eyes turned cold. In the past few months, I saw that Empress Dowager Mo was very kind to her and her children. I thought she had figured it out and got better. Unexpectedly, she secretly gave her money behind her back. The father put pressure on her. If he had known that mother and daughter had such an idea, they might as well have persuaded Nangong Yi and married Nangong Yu to Xianbei for a marriage. They were really hopeless!

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