Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1605 Caiwei Investigation (6)

Everyone paused for a moment, wondering what she was talking about, psychology, what is psychology?

Caiwei continued: "As far as I know, when an unfamiliar person or someone with whom you have a bad relationship has physical contact with you, people's instinctive reaction is to reject or be wary. Princess Chaoyue and Feier's The relationship is not good. With Princess Chaoyue's character, she would not agree to Mayfair putting her hand on her back and remaining indifferent. The moment Mayfair's hand touched hers, she should have objected to Mayfair's behavior. Perhaps she was wary of her behavior, but Lan'er said that Feier put her hand on her back and spoke for a while before pushing Princess Chaoyue into the water. At this time, Princess Chaoyue not only did not object to Faier's contact, He also allowed her to touch his back and talk for a long time, and was unprepared when he was finally pushed into the water. This group of people is unreasonable, so it can only prove one thing, that is, Princess Chaoyue was touched by the so-called "Fei'er" again. By then, the ability to defend has been lost."

After saying that, he turned to Lan'er and said, "Think carefully, did Feier have any physical contact with Princess Chaoyue before this?"

Lan'er thought about it carefully and said, "My slave, I remembered that when the princess first arrived at the stream, she seemed to move, but Mrs. Mo touched her shoulder and stopped moving. We were still surprised at that time. Later, when I saw Mrs. Mo putting on the princess's cloak, I realized that she was serving the princess.  "

"She is not serving the princess, but giving her acupuncture points."

Caiwei said expressionlessly: "Although this killer is thin, his martial arts skills are very high. He can push the princess down so far by the stream into the middle of the stream, which shows that he is extremely powerful. Also, the princess should not be hit." She died instantly or within a short time of drowning, and there must be other injuries on her body."

With that said, she contacted Yingge with her mind and asked him to take a look at Chaoyue's body and check if there were any injuries on her body.

After Yingge got the order, he quickly found the place where Nangong Yu's body was buried, looked at it with clairvoyance, and then exclaimed: "Master, I saw it. Princess Chaoyue's internal organs were shattered by internal force, and her heart was beaten." A steel needle was inserted, wow, how miserable! No wonder he died all of a sudden!"

Caiwei understood and continued to ask Lan'er: "Think about it again, did you really see Mrs. Mo's face last night? Is she Mrs. Mo?"

Lan'er said: "When we first arrived, Mrs. Mo had her face turned away from us and never turned her back. Later something happened to the princess, so we just looked after her and no one paid attention to her..."

"In other words, you have never seen that person's face?"

"Yes... I haven't seen it before..."

Lan'er lowered her head. From the beginning to the end, she had never seen Mrs. Mo's face. She was just misled by Yingchun and always thought that the person who killed the princess was Mrs. Mo.

Caiwei glanced at everyone and continued to ask Lan'er: "Tell me again, when did Yingchun go find you guys? Can anyone see and testify?"

Lan'er said: "This slave remembers that he went there when he first arrived in Xu. The guards outside can all testify."

"Well, Xu Shishi went there, plus when you get here, a series of things happen, and then they go back, it will take an hour. In other words, if Chunliu wants to hang himself, it will have to be at least after Haishi."

She looked at Mr. Li Guo and said, "I wonder if the body spots on Chunliu's body were heavy when he examined Chunliu's body?"

Duke Li Guo hesitated and said: "I only looked at the clothes on the girl's body and did not look at her body. Even if it is a girl, she is her daughter's family after all. Everyone is dead, and she still has to take off her clothes to check. This is too immoral." Already."

Caiwei held her forehead and was really moved by the old man's pedantic concept. She rubbed her eyebrows and said: "From the spots on the corpse, we can infer the time when the deceased died. This is an important clue in this case, so , this body must be examined, if you feel embarrassed, I will go."

Duke Li wiped the sweat from his face and said, "I'm sorry to see you, my lady. I'll send two medical girls to check with you."

Caiwei smiled and said, "I'm afraid I have to ask the Queen Mother to go with me, otherwise, it will be boring if the Queen Mother thinks that I am hiding my secrets and cheating!"

Queen Mother Mo said coldly: "This is natural. Even if you don't tell me, I will go with you."

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