Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1615 A ​​chance encounter in Qing County (5)

"Ouch, old man, you're bleeding!"

The old woman cried out in distress. When Juhua looked up, she saw bright red blood slowly oozing out from the old uncle's forehead.

"Grandpa, grandpa, how are you, do you feel any pain..."

When the little girl saw that her grandfather's head was broken, she started to cry distressedly. The child's cry angered Juhua. She turned around and looked angrily at the two culprits. She saw the two Liaodan people with golden swords and big horses. Sitting on the chair, watching the fun as if nothing happened, with a proud smile on his face.


Ju Hua got angry, stood up in a hurry, grabbed Mo Zili's big bowl with a glance, and threw it at the man wearing the gold ring with all his strength. When the man saw the bowl coming, he was startled and hurriedly dodged sideways.

With a "bang----" sound, the bowl flew out next to the man's ear and hit the ground. Although it did not hit the man, the noodles and soup in the bowl flew out and splashed on the two men's faces. His body, especially the man wearing the gold ring, had noodles and boiled vegetables everywhere on his face, neck, and body, making him extremely miserable.

"You bitch, you're looking for death!"

The big man stood up in a hurry, wiped the vegetable leaf noodles on his face, and walked towards Juhua aggressively. The other man also stood up and looked at Juhua maliciously.

When Xiaokui saw this, she didn't care about her fear. She stood up and stood in front of Juhua, shouting: "You are so outrageous, what are you going to do? My young lady is the daughter of Magistrate Shen. If you dare to be unreasonable, my master will not I'll let you go!"

The big man wearing the gold ring sneered disdainfully and said: "Who is the county magistrate? An official as big as sesame seeds and mung beans dares to use it to suppress our Liao and Dan warriors? Go away!"

As he said that, he waved his big palm and pulled Xiaokui aside, and then knocked him down on the old uncle. The old uncle just stood up, but was hit by Xiaokui and fell to the ground again.

"Xiao Kui----"

Juhua screamed urgently, and just as she was about to squat down to help someone, her arm was grabbed by the big man.

"What are you doing? Let me go!" Juhua yelled angrily.

The man laughed coldly and said, "You bitchy bitch, you have insulted me, Zeng Gelinqin. Shouldn't you say something nice to me?"

While Juhua was struggling, she threatened fiercely: "Barbarian Liaodan, if you have sense, let me go, or I will ask my father to drive you barbarians out of Jin Dynasty!"

Zeng Gelinqin sneered: "You still dare to speak harshly now, you really can't shed tears until you see the coffin!"

After saying that, he raised his big hand and pinched Dai Hua's neck.


Xiaokui shouted, regardless of her sprained foot, she stood up and rushed towards Zeng Gelinqin, but was pulled over by another Liaodan man and restrained him by twisting his arms.

"Barbarian, what do you want?"

Juhua stared at Zeng Gelinqin unyieldingly, not timid or panicked at all, but like a female warrior who was not afraid of danger.

Seeing Xiangyun like this, Zeng Ge and Lin Qin laughed: "Okay, you have courage. I like it. Woman, seeing that you are a beauty and have some courage, I won't care about you." Now, just lick the soup that spilled on my face, otherwise, haha... your county magistrate dad can't save you..."

After hearing this, Juhua was so angry that she almost exploded. Without thinking, she stamped her foot on Zeng Gelinqin's foot.


Zeng Gelinqin screamed, not expecting her to do this. He immediately bent over in pain, holding his feet and grinning.

As soon as Juhua was free, she did not take the opportunity to escape. Instead, she grabbed the riding crop that Mo Zili put on the table and whipped it at the Liaodan man who was twisting Xiaokui.

The Liaodan man was twisting Xiaokui. When he saw the whip coming towards him, he hurriedly let go and grabbed the whip. Xiaokui took the opportunity to turn around and scratched the Liaodan man hard in the face. There were five red claw marks on Danren's face.


The Liaodan man gasped in pain and reached out to touch his face, but he touched the wet side. When he looked closely, it turned out that his face had been scratched and the skin was bleeding.

"You bitch, you're looking for death!"

The man was so angry that he raised his arm and hit Xiaokui in the face.

"don't want!"

Shen Juhua yelled, and without thinking, she rushed forward and hugged Xiaokui, protecting her in her arms. Then she closed her eyes tightly, waiting for the hammer-like fist to come down.

However, there was no pain as she had imagined. The fist stopped a centimeter away from her face, and the Liao Dan man roared: "Who are you to meddle in my business? Let go of me quickly, be careful." I'll beat you to death if I get angry!"

He shouted while trying to pull his arm out of Mo Zili's hand.

Juhua opened her eyes and saw the strange man she saw at the temple gate clamping the Liaodan man's arm, and said coldly: "You bully old people and women in broad daylight, you are such a scumbag, it is really not a pity to die!" "

After that, he swung back and threw the big man to the ground. After the big man fell to the ground, he covered his broken arm and twisted it behind him and screamed: "Oh... my arm... oh... ...It hurts me to death..."

Zeng Gelinqin's foot pain eased a little. When he saw someone meddling in his own business, he straightened up, quickly pulled out the scimitar from his waist, and slashed at Mo Zili.

Although Mo Zili's martial arts was not as good as Nangong Yi, Wanyan Jingchen and others, he was trained under the guidance of Duke Li personally, and he was more than enough to deal with these two reckless men.

He dodged slightly to avoid the scimitar coming at him, and raised his leg to attack his lower body.

Zeng Gelinqin's knife missed Mo Zili and was kicked in the leg. The pain made the flesh on his face tremble and he almost groaned.

When the old woman saw them wielding knives and guns, she was afraid of hurting Juhua, so she hurriedly pulled her back. After the old uncle got up, he also hurriedly dispersed the customers to avoid hurting innocent people.

In the small shop, two big men from Liao and Dan fought with Mo Zili, causing the table to overturn and chairs to fly, and broken dishes, chopsticks, vegetables and noodles scattered all over the floor...

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