Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1622: The plan of the Duke’s government (2)

The heads of various towns and villages responded positively to the call of the county magistrate. They all said that after returning home, they would work hard to mobilize the people of the whole town (township) to breed more geese and ducks, and to produce more goose and duck down...

Master Shen's actions were all done behind the back of his precious daughter. If Juhua knew that her father was helping Liu Xi's down products factory, she would be so angry that she would go crazy. The relationship between her and Liu Xi has not yet been resolved. , although several months have passed, she still can't help but grit her teeth when she thinks of Liu Xi!

On this day, Shen Juhua went to the back garden to play and met Mo Zili again. This garden was the only place where Miss Shen could relax when she was trapped at home. Miss Shen also told Mo Zili about this. , I thought that if I told him, I would not meet him again. At least, he should know how to avoid suspicion.

However, she unexpectedly ran into him again soon, and even for the third and fourth time. Mr. Mo seemed to be deliberately trying to get in trouble with her. Almost every time she came, she could see him.

Out of politeness, she had to exchange a few words with him. Who had let him save her?

However, Mr. Mo is really not suitable for chatting. Often, the two of them will fall into a deadlock without saying a few words. At this time, Shen Juhua will shut up and let him think about the topic. . However, Mo Zili was also a dull person. Every time he thought about a topic, he would embarrass him for a long time. Seeing the sweat on his forehead getting thicker, Shen Juhua found it very amusing, with his round little face. on, showing a narrow smile.

After going back and forth several times, Mo Zili became smarter. Once, he actually took out a chess set and wanted to play chess with her.

There is no need to talk when playing chess, as long as two people sit opposite each other and think quietly. This way of getting along is very suitable for Mo Zili, but it is not suitable for Juhua. But she can't play chess, neither Go nor chess. Can throw dice.

Hearing that Juhua couldn't play chess, Mo Zili kindly offered to teach her. Juhua had nothing to do, so she learned from him.

At night, she could barely play chess with Mo Zili, but every time she played chess, she lost. Juhua was very frustrated, pushed the chess piece away, and said angrily: "I won't play anymore, I can't beat you no matter what I do." "

Mo Zili put away the chess pieces in a good temper. While putting them away, he said calmly: "If you can't play, why don't you steal the pieces?"

"A thief? You call me a thief?"

Juhua raised her chin and said arrogantly: "Although I, Shen Juhua, am just a prostitute, I will never do something so humiliating as a thief. I, Shen Juhua, can afford to lose." "

Hearing this, Mo Zili shrank his palms and held the cannon tightly in his palms.

"Isn't this the rule of chess, with open guns and hidden horses stealing the cannons? Besides, who told you not to keep an eye on your own pieces? The so-called "war is never tired of deceit" refers to people like you who don't accept lessons..."

Unconsciously, he thought of her voice again in his ears, and that innocent little face appeared in front of his eyes again. Mo Zili's heart ached, he covered his chest, and slowly bent down... …

Juhua saw that his face suddenly changed, and he looked distressed and depressed, so she couldn't help but said: "Master Mo, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable? Do you need me to call someone..."

But Mo Zili just lowered his head, covering his chest and saying nothing.

Juhua panicked and stood up in a hurry, trying to call someone to help. At this time, Mo Zili slowly raised his head and said in a low voice: "Miss Shen, don't bother me."

As he spoke, he put the chess piece in his palm on the table, stood up slowly, and walked towards his yard. After taking a few steps, he suddenly turned around and said inexplicably: "Actually, you can A thief..."

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