Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1624: The plan of the Duke’s government (4)

After hearing this, Mrs. Cui thought it made sense, and then discussed with Zhang Jiuniang about the choice of son-in-law...

After choosing for a long time, she selected three suitable ones. They were all descendants of innocent families, and they were all willing to be married. However, which one to choose among these three had to be discussed with Mr. Shen before deciding!

In the evening, after Mr. Shen came back, Mrs. Cui told Mr. Shen about the three candidates and asked Mr. Shen to find out how the three young people were doing and who else in the family was secretly taking a look at the appearance of the three people. Is he worthy of their daughter?

Mr. Shen is a henpecked man and always listens to his wife's mediation. After hearing what she said, he immediately agreed and said, "Okay, I'll do it tomorrow and help our daughter choose a husband."

For several days, Mr. Shen was busy inquiring about the personalities, knowledge, family background, and ancestry of these three young people. After inquiring, he finally tried his best to secretly see these young people. He was very busy. Huh.

Mrs. Cui was a stay-at-home woman and could not go out to see her son-in-law. She had to discuss and communicate with her husband every night as to which one was more suitable for their daughter. Not only was Mr. Shen undecided, but Mrs. Cui was also in a dilemma.

After a long period of testing and comparison, the couple finally selected a young man named Li Jing among the three candidates. This young man is only 18 years old and is studying in school. Li Jing's parents have passed away. Now I live with my brother and sister-in-law.

His brother and sister-in-law were not living well, so he took advantage of his time off to set up a stall in the market to write letters to people, copy books for others, etc., to earn some money to support the family, even though he was an illiterate person. However, Li Jing acted calmly and did not feel ashamed at all. He felt that there was nothing shameful about relying on his own labor to earn a living. He was much better than those nerds who were so hungry that they still wanted to maintain the character of a scholar. !

Mrs. Cui also secretly visited this Li Sheng, and was very satisfied when she saw that he was handsome and talented. She was planning to talk to Zhang Jiuniang about the matter, when suddenly a transfer order was sent from Beijing, asking Mr. Shen to come to Beijing to work!

This incident happened so suddenly that it completely interrupted the couple's plan to find a son-in-law for their daughter. Mr. Shen could not understand why he was a small county magistrate who lived in a corner and had no outstanding achievements. How could he be favored by the adults in Beijing and ask him to come to Beijing by name?

"Could this be Caiwei's intention?"

Juhua felt that Caiwei was the only one who wanted her family to go to Beijing.

Magistrate Shen said: "It's impossible. If the Empress wanted us to come to Beijing, she would have let us do it long ago. Besides, the Empress still directed your mother to help manage the nursing home in Qingxian County. How could we be allowed to do so?" How about going to Beijing?"

Mrs. Cui thought for a long time and said hesitantly: "Could Mr. Mo mediate it?"

Juhua said, "No way? Why did he send us to Beijing?"

Mrs. Cui glanced at her daughter and hesitated for a long time before saying, "Do you often see him in private?"

Shen Juhua nodded honestly: "Yes, I see him often, but I never told him that my father wanted to be an official in Beijing!"

Mrs. Cui said: "Stay away from him from now on. Don't let him have other thoughts about you? Our family is not worthy of others, Qi Dafei, don't let yourself be mistaken!"

Juhua didn't agree with her mother's statement at all. She didn't know that Mo Zili had other thoughts about her. Every time they met in the garden, he had nothing to say to her. When he played chess with her, he also had nothing to say to her. I don't know how to let her go, let alone the affection and tenderness that a couple should have...

In any case, the transfer order from the capital came, and the matter of recruiting a wife for Juhua was over. The transfer order required Mr. Shen to go to Beijing to take up his post within one and a half months. Mr. Shen and his wife did not think much, so they were busy packing their luggage and getting out of idle time. Something that is inconvenient to carry.

Mo Zili heard that Magistrate Shen had been transferred to the capital. He was surprised at first, but then he figured it out. He didn't say anything more. He just said that he had been away from home for many days and felt a little homesick. He would wait with them when they set off. Return to Beijing.

The capital has been particularly lively these days, because tomorrow is the day of the competition between Liu Xi and Jing Shizi. In the past few days, everyone is talking about this in the streets and alleys of the capital, in restaurants and restaurants, and there are more people in the casino than usual. Double the amount, betting on the outcome of both of them!

At this time, in the Duke Fu's palace, Prince Jing was gearing up, feeling angry and resentful. Because of him, he had received thirty blows, had a criminal record in the government, and was beaten so severely by his father that he was almost crippled. If his grandmother had not made the decision for him, he would have been beaten to death by his father by now.

Despite this, the government's thirty big boards and his father's dozens of riding whips were enough to keep him lying on the couch for half a month. This half-month of torture made him determined to give it to that person. The eunuch was good-looking. For the past fifteen days, he had been thinking about how to deal with Liu Xi's eunuch. Should he beat him to death directly, or torture him to death slowly?

Duke Fu knew his son's temperament. Since yesterday, he had told his son over and over again that when two people compete in martial arts, just hit the mark. Regardless of winning or losing, never hurt others, and never let others hurt you.

Jing Shizi promised, but in his heart he had beaten Liu Xi to death thousands of times. He would never let the eunuch go just because of his father's words. Although his father threatened him with his position as the heir apparent, He is not afraid, as long as his grandmother is here, his concubine brothers will never think of getting ahead!

Although Liu Xi deeply hates Prince Jing, modern people's thinking mode reminds him that even if he hates someone again, he should not put him to death easily. Everyone has the right to live. The strong cannot be killed just because of their own strength. Just go and barbarically deprive others of their right to live!

In the past few months, Huan Qiu has been giving him guidance. Huan Qiu has extremely high martial arts skills and is extremely strict with him. Fortunately, Liu Xi is smart and motivated, and can endure hardships. Therefore, in just half a year, he has become Huanqiu learned all the martial arts moves, and also created some unique moves based on modern Sanda and boxing. With these, he was more than enough to defeat the impetuous Jing Shizi!

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