Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1626 Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law fall out, second update (2)

When Caiwei heard what Empress Dowager Mo said, she felt uncomfortable and knew that she was going to complain like Mrs. Xianglin again, but thinking that she was suffering from the pain of losing her daughter, she didn't want to be in the same position as her. She gathered up her skirt and said: " If the Queen Mother has anything to say, just say it, and I will listen.   "

Queen Mother Mo pursed her lips and said, "Do you know what day today is?"

Caiwei thought about it carefully, but didn't remember it, and said: "I don't know, please let the Queen Mother know clearly!"


Queen Mother Mo smiled sarcastically: "Of course you will know, because you don't care about your sister-in-law, your husband's biological sister, and my biological daughter at all!"

It came again. Caiwei rubbed her brows in distress and said, "Your Majesty, I am stupid. I don't know what you want to say. Please make it clear."

Empress Dowager Mo turned her head, looked at the white clouds outside the window, and said quietly: "It doesn't hurt to tell you, today is my seventeenth birthday, Yu'er. If she were still alive, she would definitely celebrate her birthday happily today, but , she is dead, she was killed by someone, but you brothers and sisters-in-law have not even caught her killer."

As she spoke, her tone became sharper: "When you and your family are happily staying together and enjoying family happiness, have you ever thought that Yu'er is still lying under the cold waiting for you to redress your grievances?" Revenge, but as for you, you can't even solve a murder case. Think about it carefully, are you worthy of your own conscience and worthy of Yu'er's spirit in heaven? "

Caiwei almost laughed out loud after hearing Empress Dowager Mo's resentment. No wonder Nangong Yi didn't want to come to pay her respects. It was really annoying to have such a girl on the stall.

She turned around and sat down on the first rosewood chair on the right side of the Queen Mother. She looked at Queen Mother Mo and said calmly: "Today is Chaoyue's birthday. The Queen Mother was moved by the scene and felt sad for Chaoyue. I can do this." I understand, but it would be a bit unkind for the Queen Mother to say that we did not do our best for Chaoyue. If the Queen Mother does not keep an eye on us every day, how do we know that we do not do our best for Chaoyue? The efforts we have put into this case ?How does the Queen Mother know?"

Empress Dowager Mo said arrogantly: "I don't listen to your useless excuses. I only care about the results. Since you said you tried your best, it's been almost a year. Why hasn't the case been solved yet?"

Caiwei said: "Things in this world can be divided into those within our power and those beyond our power. Chaoyue's case happens to belong to the latter. The emperor and I have tried our best to trace the matter, but the murderer is too cunning to hide it." It's too deep and we can't detect it at all. The Queen Mother can blame us for being useless, but she can't blame us for not being diligent."

"We are also very sad about Chaoyue's death. However, the deceased has passed away, and the living people will still live. There is no reason for everyone to grieve for the rest of their lives just because they have lost a relative. Our family is enjoying happiness. Family happiness, but we can live up to our own consciences, and there is no need for us to blame ourselves for unnecessary factors!"

"What a set of high-sounding principles, so well said!" Empress Dowager Mo sneered: "Queen, let's compare our feelings. If something like this happened to Mingzhu, would you say the same thing?"

Comparing the murder of Nangong Yu to Xiao Mingzhu, Caiwei was immediately furious. She stood up in a hurry, stared at her eyes and said loudly: "Is the Queen Mother sad and confused? You can say such things, Mingzhu is your granddaughter. Even if you resent us, you shouldn't curse such an innocent child. If you have any dissatisfaction, just come at us!"

Seeing that Caiwei was angry, the eunuchs and maids in the room hurriedly knelt down, leaned on the ground, and said in unison: "Please calm down the queen!"

At this time, the anger in Caiwei's heart could not be calmed down by just saying "calm down". When she thought of her soft and cute little bun being cursed like that by Queen Mother Mo, Caiwei felt like there was fire under her feet. It rushed to her head and burned her eyes until they were red!

"Whether you believe it or not, we have indeed done our best in Chaoyue's case. If the Queen Mother still doesn't believe it, just ask someone else to handle the case herself or ask someone else to handle it. I want to see who can solve it." This case?"

Empress Dowager Mo was already sad for Chaoyue and was in a very bad mood. She was robbed by her daughter-in-law, and suddenly she felt bad. She slapped the case and shouted angrily: "Queen, what are you doing?" What do you mean? Are you trying to embarrass me?"

Caiwei said coldly: "I don't dare, but I see that the Queen Mother is fine and doesn't look like she has fainted, so there is no need for me to attend to you. I have important matters to attend to, so I will leave." Got it!"

"Don't go...stop, I haven't finished speaking yet..."

Empress Dowager Mo was trembling with anger after being robbed by Caiwei. She was unwilling to let her go. However, Caiwei acted as if she didn't hear her and walked out without paying any attention.

"Rebellion, rebellion, stop her..." The Queen Mother slapped the table, and the hand pointing at Caiwei was shaking.

After receiving the order from the Queen Mother, the maids of the Jade Kun Palace immediately surrounded Caiwei. Caiwei raised her lips, glanced around coldly, and said, "Who dares to stop me?"

After receiving her sinister and cold eyes, the palace maids and eunuchs couldn't help but tremble. No one dared to step forward to stop her.

Caiwei stepped out of Queen Mother Mo's palace. When she reached the door, she stopped and said without turning around, "I respect the Queen Mother, and please do not lose the dignity of being an elder."

After saying that, he walked away. This sentence sounded light and calm, but in fact it was very heavy. It was heavy enough to make Queen Mother Mo's eyes wide open and she couldn't remember it for a long time!

Caiwei walked quickly outside, opened the inner view and looked at her space. She saw that several little buns in the space were having fun. Jin'er stood up holding the legs of the white-haired tiger, staggering. She staggered and wanted to move forward; Yu'er lay lazily on the old turtle's back, and was carried by the old turtle, strolling around slowly; Mingzhu was the happiest, lying on the edge of the Lingxi River, stretching out her white With her little hand, she tried to catch the golden-scaled fish in Lingxi River, but Changmei was guarding her side to prevent her from falling into the stream!

Seeing that everything was fine with the children, Caiwei felt relieved. She rode Feng Zhu to the entrance of the palace, got off the phoenix chariot, got into a carriage that she usually rides when leaving the palace, and left quickly In the palace, go to the Hongyun Theater where Liu Xi is!

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