Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1637 Death of Queen Mother Mo (4)

Hearing Chunliu's cry, Caiwei stopped, raised her hand to straighten Chunliu's messy hair, and said with a forced smile: "Look, I just said it casually, and you really believe it. Don't worry, the emperor is You won’t destroy me. "

Caiwei firmly believed in this. She knew Nangong Yi's feelings for her. No matter how much he blamed her or blamed her, he would not be willing to destroy her. However, the knot in his heart did not know when he would be untied...

In the evening, the Queen Mother's funeral instructions were released. Half an hour later, all the civil and military ministers, princes, and grandsons of the dynasty hurriedly entered the palace wearing heavy mourning. They knelt outside the Jade Kun Palace and cried bitterly. There were people everywhere in the palace. The mourning cloths and mourning flags were hung, and the palace maids and eunuchs put on mourning clothes. Regardless of whether they were true or false, they all looked grief-stricken.

Caiwei stayed in the imperial study, looking out the window, listening to the goings on outside, but she couldn't go out to participate. Nangong Yi had said that she was not allowed to attend Queen Mother Mo's funeral because Queen Mother Mo would be angry if she saw her!

Therefore, everyone in the palace was busy, but she was the only one who was idle.

However, it was not idle. Caiwei released the three buns and put them into the walker she designed.

The three little guys walked back and forth in the bedroom with their short, fat legs. They occasionally bumped into the furniture, and they also bumped into each other from time to time.

If this cheerful scene was normal, Caiwei would definitely call Nangong Yi to come and watch. The two of them would sit side by side, happily watching the children running around on the ground...

The little ones didn't know the bitterness in their mother's heart, so they ran around the house like children. When passing by Caiwei, they would raise their round little faces and cry out sweetly: "Cool-" ---"

They don't know how to speak yet, they can only speak out word by word, their pronunciation is not accurate, and they often make some cute jokes. However, even though they are not very good at expressing themselves in words, those innocent and cute little faces can clearly express their feelings.

Looking at the cheerful children, the gloom in Caiwei's heart faded a lot. No matter what, for the sake of the children, she must cheer up and strive to get the man's forgiveness as soon as possible!

That night, Nangong Yi did not come back. According to reports, the person who sent out came back and reported that the emperor was keeping vigil for the Queen Mother.

After hearing this, Caiwei went to the space to cook a bowl of thick purple rice porridge, and made two appetizers, and sent someone to deliver them to Nangong Yi. The man was used to eating the food in her space, and he basically didn't like it anymore. He was eating food from outside, so if she didn't bring him food, he would starve.

As a result, the purple rice porridge was returned intact.

The man is telling her with his actions that he is still complaining about her, refuses to forgive her, and refuses to eat from her.

Caiwei shook her head helplessly, sighed, and gave the porridge to the palace ladies to share.

The next day, Caiwei got up early again, made a drawer of steamed stuffed buns with vegetarian fillings, boiled a pot of wild milk, mixed a plate of lettuce, and stir-fried wolfberry sprouts with oil and salt, all of which were vegetarian to remove heat. , sent Chunliu to Nangong Yi.

As she expected, the things were returned intact.

Moreover, when Chunliu came back, something was obviously wrong. After Caiwei repeatedly asked, Chunliu said hesitantly: "Your Majesty, when I went to the mourning hall, I saw several ministers impeaching Your Majesty in front of the Holy Lord, saying that Your Majesty You are pampered, do not obey filial piety, and are disobedient to the Queen Mother. You are not worthy of being the mother of the country..."

Caiwei's expression dimmed after hearing this. Although the impeachment happened as she expected, it still made her very sad when it actually happened.

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