Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1643 The first clues (5)

Hearing this, Caiwei's face turned cold and said: "Chunliu, help me put on my mourning clothes. I'll go and see what's going on!"

"Your Majesty, the wind is blowing outside, so you can't go. Besides, the Emperor has claimed that you are recuperating in the Imperial Study and can't get up. But once you show up, won't it prove that the Emperor is lying?"

Caiwei said: "Rather than letting them force the emperor to a point of no return and hurt the relationship between us, it's better to risk everything once. Maybe we can turn things around!"

After hearing this, Chunliu thought it made sense, so she hurriedly went to find mourning clothes for Caiwei. Caiwei took the opportunity to put the three buns into the space, letting the turtle immortal and the white-haired tiger watch, while she changed her clothes and took them with her Chunliu Xiaozhi and others walked towards the mourning hall.

Outside the mourning hall, as Caiwei said, all the civil and military officials were wearing mourning clothes and could not kneel down. Nangong Yi stayed in the mourning hall and avoided seeing them. He didn't know what kind of suffering he was suffering!

Seeing this scene, Caiwei suddenly felt a burst of anger in her heart. She sneered and walked over.

When the ministers saw her, they were unhappy, but she was still the Queen and had not been deposed, so they had no choice but to bow to her: "I see you, the Queen. She is a thousand years old!"

Caiwei sneered and said: "I don't dare to take it seriously. Aren't you guys forcing the emperor to abolish me? How dare I accept this great gift from you all?"

The minister of justice said: "Your Majesty, you have offended your superiors by speaking rudely and being disobedient to the Queen Mother, which caused the Queen Mother to be angered to death by the Queen Mother. Such arrogant, domineering and rebellious behavior cannot set an example for the children of the world. All ministers believe that the Queen Mother is not worthy of being in the lower position." , Therefore, I came here specifically to inform the emperor, asking the emperor to bring order to the chaos, depose the queen, and choose a dignified, virtuous and noble daughter as the queen, to comfort the queen mother's spirit in heaven!"

Caiwei smiled: "What a grand argument. I dare to ask Duke Fu, there are hundreds of nursing homes in the Jin Dynasty, all of which are supported by this palace. Which of your noble daughters can become the queen? How can you afford to support all the old, young, sick, and disabled people in the Jin Kingdom without using a single penny from the treasury of the Jin Kingdom? Let me ask you again, when His Majesty was trapped in Lingbei due to lack of food and grass, which noble girl was there? Did you lend him a dou or a liter of grain? Not to mention your daughters, just you, who has helped him even a penny?"

"It is me who has never given up and supported him with all my strength, so that he can rule the world today. But you so-called loyal ministers are just looking at the queen's throne with covetous eyes and want to sit back and enjoy it. You are just trying to bring me down and support your own daughter to rise to power, so why do you need to speak so grandly?"

His words made all the ministers in the courtyard blush and feel ashamed.

When Duke Fu was told something that was on his mind, he also blushed and said, "The empress has done some good deeds that benefited the country and the people in the past. No one can erase this. It is precisely because of this that with her humble background, she can I made an exception and became the queen of our Jin Kingdom. However, credit must be due. It is an indisputable fact that the Queen Mother was angry to death by you. Your behavior of making people and gods angry and angry is enough to offset all your previous achievements. Therefore, I Only then do I have the guts to kneel here and ask the emperor to depose the queen, instead of seeking profit for our own daughter as the empress said!"

Prime Minister Ning also said in a deep voice: "The Queen Mother once showed her lustful power in the Queen Mother's Palace, and even yelled at the Queen Mother. She even said the treacherous and unethical words of 'Please don't lose the dignity of being an elder.' These are enough to make the Queen Queen take the blame and abdicate. Therefore, please stop shirk-passing responsibilities and make irresponsible remarks. It is better to comply with the will of God and the people and plead guilty to abdicate on your own, so as to save yourself some face."

Unexpectedly, Prime Minister Ning also came to add insult to injury. He thought that when his daughter Ning Huaixiu was trapped in the palace, it was she who helped take care of her and set her free. Unexpectedly, he didn't know that repaying kindness was not counted, and actually repaid kindness with hatred, just like those people. He got up and forced her, which really made Caiwei sad and chilling!

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