Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1647 The real murderer appears (4)

Caiwei smiled: "Listen, everyone, she's showing off her flaws! Bai Zhi, as the deacon and palace maid next to the Queen Mother, how can you not know that sleeping when you are angry is the easiest way to die? Why do you still arrange for her to sleep, let alone It was still morning, and the Queen Mother had only just gotten up.  "

"Unless you wanted to take the opportunity to kill someone, so you deliberately coaxed the Queen Mother to sleep, and then took advantage of her sleeping, and then put the blame for the Queen Mother's death on this palace, you can take it all away and let her I came to take the blame for you, what a good calculation; or you just killed the Queen Mother on purpose just to put the blame on me!"

"Queen, my slave really doesn't understand that sleeping when angry can lead to death, but is this evidence that I killed the Queen Mother? Besides, the Queen Mother was so angry that you had a headache at the time, and she wanted to lie down for a while!" Bai Zhi said sadly. He shouted, looking as if he was in a state of disbelief.

Caiwei said: "You don't need to pretend to be innocent and aggrieved. Since I have deduced that it was you who did it, I will naturally find evidence. However, the matter is very important. I also ask all the first-rank adults present to go back to their homes." Come and invite all your wives, otherwise, when we collect the evidence later, we will need to pay homage to the Queen Mother’s remains, and it will be inconvenient for you all to be present!"

The argument between the two people left the ministers present confused, not knowing who to listen to. Originally, everyone was more inclined to believe that it was the Queen who was mad at the Queen Mother to death, but the Queen said that it was Bai Zhi who killed the Queen Mother, and she said so with certainty, and even said that she would produce evidence to prove the matter. Therefore, even if he didn't quite believe the Queen, he had no choice but to get up and go outside for evidence.

Caiwei glanced at these first-class officials and found that there were no people from the Duke Li's Palace, and her mood immediately improved a lot. If there were people from the Duke Li's Palace, she really didn't know how to deal with it in the future. They are.

Fei'er married into Duke Li's Mansion. If Duke Li's Mansion regards her as the culprit who made Queen Mother Mo angry to death, it will be very difficult for Faier in the future in Duke Li's Mansion.

At the same time, she was a little touched. Empress Dowager Mo was the daughter of Duke Li. Almost all the ministers in the court had arrived today, but no one from Duke Li's office showed up. It was obvious that they still believed in her, so they were just here. They trusted her, and she would definitely repay them well in the future.

The ladies were invited one after another. They were all wearing official uniforms and mourning clothes. There were no hairpins on their heads. They only wrapped their heads with white silk or white gauze. Heartbroken look.

Caiwei cleared her throat and said solemnly: "The reason why I invite you ladies to come here today is because I have found out who the murderer was who killed the Queen Mother, and even the murderer who killed the girl from Duke Liguo's mansion on the hunting ground last year. So I specially invite everyone to come together for verification. After collecting the evidence later, I also ask you ladies to explain the situation to everyone!"

Caiwei's words really caused a sensation at the scene. What happened? Is it true that the Queen Mother is not the Queen Empress? Could it be true that Bai Zhi was the one who killed her, as the Queen said? Wait, even the murderer of the girl who killed Duke Li Guo on the hunting ground last year has been found. Doesn’t that mean that the case of Princess Chaoyue’s murder last year has also been solved?

Nangong Yi walked out of the mourning hall and looked at Caiwei in shock.

After not seeing each other for two days, the man looked much haggard. The eyes that had confused countless girls had lost their former sparkle. The circles under his eyes were black, and his handsome face was exhausted. Even the stubble on his cheeks had appeared, and he was completely gone. The image of the usually noble Pian Pianjia young master has changed, and he looks very depressed. His usually straight back is also a little hunched, and he seems to have aged ten years suddenly.

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