Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 165: Sneaking into the Boudoir at Night (1)

Old Mu was carried into the carriage hired by Uncle Zhang and sent to a nearby medical center. Mu Zhongli and his son, who were injured to varying degrees, also got into the carriage and went together.

Along the way, the Dafang family became much quieter. In the car, apart from Mu Chongfu's "snort" of pain, there was the sound of Mu Chongcai's "hissing". Mu Zhongli lowered his head and remained silent, feeling extremely complicated. .

Mu Caiwei could be said to be the child he watched grow up. She was as dull as a gourd. She was timid and timid and did not dare to speak loudly. When she saw the big family and their family, she was even more like a mouse after seeing a cat. He didn't dare to raise his head and couldn't speak clearly.

However, seemingly overnight, she suddenly became stronger. Not only did she dare to resist them and provoke them, she also dared to fight against them, and even injured them easily...

He couldn't understand why she had changed so much. When did you develop your good skills? Why do they suddenly become strangers when they watch the child grow up? Not only can she take her family to the town to open a restaurant, and the restaurant is prosperous, she can even live a prosperous life in Yushu County. If you want to get them out of prison, you can get them out.

What's going on here? Why does a good person change so much? Is she still the eldest daughter of the second family?

If she hadn't had the same face as before, he would never have believed that she was Mu Caiwei.

"Cough cough...cough..."

Muliankui woke up, coughing violently, and his old face turned red due to the difficulty in breathing caused by anger. He opened his eyes, held his chest and gasped for a while, and said to his children and grandchildren in a low voice. : "Listen, from now on, none of you are allowed to cause trouble for the second roommate, or say anything unpleasant, cough cough... cough cough..."

Mu Chongfu became anxious, holding up the fat palm pierced by the gold hairpin and said, "Sir, why? Look at my palm, should we just forget it?"

Muliankui glanced at him and said coolly: "If you don't let it go like this, what else can you do?"


Mu Chongfu was angry, yes, if not, what could he do?

"I'm going to tear that little bitch apart."

Mu Chongcai interjected with a groan, the anger in his eyes blazing, as if he wanted to kill someone.

Muliankui sneered: "Can you kill her? Can you beat her?"

Mu Chongcai was choked, holding his broken hand, gritting his teeth but helpless.

"Listen to your father."

Mu Zhongli pondered for a while and then spoke.

"We can't beat that little bitch now. If we confront her head-on, we can only humiliate ourselves. She won't laugh at us yet. Instead of doing this, we might as well avoid her sharp edges and get along well with them. , when they find the opportunity, if they hit the enemy with one strike, they will never be able to stand up for the rest of their lives, hehe..."

Mu Chongcai and Mu Chongfu looked at each other. Although they could see the unwillingness in each other's eyes, in the end, they both lowered their heads helplessly!

Caiwei and her father were sitting in their own carriage, following the carriage they hired for Dafang, and followed them to the hospital.

Mr. Huo had already been picked up by his coachman. Originally, she wanted to take some time to discuss the trip with him, but due to the old man's fainting, she had to put the trip aside for the time being. After all, the old man was angry with her and her father. If something happened, she wouldn't care. But her father would bear the debt of conscience for the rest of his life and would never be happy.

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