Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1655 Wanyan Jingchen’s Promise (7)

Xiangyun took the initiative to hug his waist and said coquettishly: "People know..."

Now, Xiangyun is already four months pregnant. Therefore, the government has been widely selecting young women with good appearance, good health and both children to serve in the government. The imperial court also pays very good treatment to the nannies in the government. , something happened today. Not only was the little prince’s nanny, who was envied by everyone, kicked out, but even Zheng Bin, the eunuch and eunuch who was in charge of all etiquette in the palace and the imperial city, was severely reprimanded by His Highness the Crown Prince. After a while, the person selected simply didn't understand the rules. If he was still so incompetent, the position of admiral eunuch would have to be replaced, and Zheng Bin would be trained to shame.

Zheng Bin hated Nurse Chen so much that he immediately ordered someone to find out what was going on. It was discovered that she had shamelessly seduced His Highness the Crown Prince, and her smile was so angry that her smile twisted.

He really has no expression. Who among the nobles of Qingluo Kingdom doesn't know that His Highness the Crown Prince loves his wife as much as she lives. With the Crown Princess here, how could His Highness see her, a woman who has given birth to a child? Where did she get her confidence?

It’s really your own fault!

Zheng Bin immediately called all the nannies from the ** mansion, beat her hard, and showed them the fate of nanny Chen.

Originally, she had a bright future and became the nanny of the young prince of Qingluo Kingdom. Given time, why worry about not being granted a royal title in the future? Maybe she could be a first-class wife or something, but it's a pity that her ambition was too high, and her cleverness was misled by her cleverness. Not only did she lose her great future, she was also kicked out and kicked out in despair. It was her husband's family who had to Knowing that she had offended His Highness the Crown Prince, he would not want her again.

Zheng Bin angrily told the nannies that if anyone dared to do such a thing in the future, they would not only be beaten, but even their lives would be lost, so they could take care of themselves.

As a result, those nannies who had been thinking about it immediately became calm.

In fact, it's no wonder that they would be interested in it. After seeing the glory and wealth in the palace, especially the supreme honor and love shown by the crown prince to the crown princess, why wouldn't they be envious and moved?

What's more, His Highness the Crown Prince is young, handsome, and kind-hearted. They are all young women. When they see such an outstanding man, they will naturally fall in love with His Highness the Crown Prince and think about their rough men.

They still understand the principle of those who are near the water and the towers. If they can be favored by His Highness and give birth to a prince, they may be able to stay in the palace in the future, and even the husband's family will not say anything.

They are young, their appearance is not bad, and it is normal for them to be thoughtful.

The news of His Royal Highness punishing and expelling the wet nurse spread throughout the aristocratic circles of the capital before evening. Many ladies envied the Crown Princess's good luck. None of their husbands had three wives and four concubines, let alone If a woman takes the initiative to seduce them, even if no one seduce them, they will still go around looking for women to satisfy their desires. A peerless good man like His Royal Highness is really rare!

Among them, the one who envied the Crown Princess the most was Empress Namuhan’s niece Jingyang County Lord.

Over the past year and more, Queen Namuhan has proposed marriage to her more than once, and the marriage candidates were all young and promising aristocratic sons of the Qingluo Kingdom. However, the Lord of Jingyang County refused to comply. After contact with him, she has fallen deeply in love with her prince cousin. It is not the love that she was greedy for vanity and only loved him for power and status at the beginning, but a love from the bottom of her heart, which has nothing to do with status.

She had sworn long ago that she would never marry anyone except Wanyan Jingchen in this life!

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