Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1667 One update at a time in the mountains (2)

At this moment, if Caiwei were present, she would definitely stop her from running, because after being bitten by a snake, in order to prevent the snake's venom from melting into the blood so quickly, she cannot do strenuous exercise.

Juhua didn't know this, so she ran all the way in shock and fear. Before returning to the temple, she felt dizzy and weak.

Damn it, it must have been a poisonous snake that bit her, and now the poison has taken effect!

She regretted so much that she managed to escape from the cliff and waterfall, but unexpectedly she died under the fangs of a small snake. She really should have stayed in the temple, but she shouldn't have come out.

However, it was too late to regret.

My steps became heavier and heavier. During the last few steps into the temple, my legs felt like they were filled with lead, as heavy as a thousand pieces of gold.

After entering the temple, her last bit of strength was exhausted. She didn't even have time to close the temple door before she fell heavily to the ground with a "bang" and passed out...

This time, she thought she was doomed, because God would not favor her again and again, and take her life back from the Lord of Hell again and again.

However, she miscalculated.

She really came to life again. She was awakened by a mouth-watering aroma. When she opened her eyes, there was already light in the temple. It seemed that the sun was already rising outside!

She was startled and hurriedly sat up. A sharp pain immediately came from her buttocks. The pain made her grin and said "Ouch". She hurriedly focused her body's weight on the other half of her intact buttocks and then looked at her. And look.

Not far away, the bonfire was still burning brightly, but Mo Zili was nowhere to be seen in the temple.

Eh? Is he awake? But what about people? Where have you gone?

Juhua climbed up and tried to stand up. After a few consecutive movements, her butt hurt again. She subconsciously touched her butt. The wound was numb and swollen, as if it had already swollen. However, since I already feel pain, it shouldn't be a big problem.

"you're awake!"

Outside the door, Mo Zili walked in with a roasted pheasant on a branch. The pheasant was roasted until it was golden and oily, and it looked delicious at first glance.

"Uh... you woke up too? When did you wake up? Why didn't I know? Are you... okay!"

Juhua stood up straight while holding on to the altar table. Her movements were a bit stiff. The pain in her butt made her dare not move more, so she could only focus her body on the other leg.

Mo Zili handed the pheasant over and said concisely: "I've woken up early. Let's eat something to catch up!"

Juhua took the pheasant and her eyebrows suddenly curled up. It was great to have something to eat!

If it hadn't been for food last night, she wouldn't have been bitten by a snake. She tore off a chicken leg and ate it with big mouthfuls. Although there is no salt and no seasoning, this wild pheasant, coupled with the skillful grilling skills of the griller, can still roast the pheasant until it is crispy and tender, making people want to stop eating.

The chrysanthemums are gobbling up their big flowers. All the dignity and reserve that a lady should have were thrown out of the window!

Seeing that she was devouring her food, Mo Zili couldn't help but remind her: "Eat slowly, you might choke!"

After he said this, Juhua remembered. She stopped chewing, puffed out her two stuffed cheeks, and said vaguely: "Come on, you can eat too..."

As she said that, she handed the roast chicken in her hand to the man. She stretched out her arms, but did not fully open them. There was also a tangled look on her face. She seemed to want the man to eat it, but was reluctant to part with it. Mo Zi looked at it. Li can laugh or cry.

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