Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1669 One update at a time in the mountains (4)

When he passed a big tree, he saw several fish of different lengths, and then he remembered that he had passed out here yesterday.

Yes, he was handling the fish here, and then he fainted when he wanted to stand up and go back to the temple. However, when he woke up, he was in the temple. She must have brought him back.

It's really hard for her. He is such a tall man, and he wants a little girl like her to carry her so far. She must be exhausted...

Also, when he woke up, all the clothes on his body were dry, even the clothes underneath were completely dry. She must have taken them off for him when he was unconscious, dried them, and then put them back on...

Thinking of this, he felt very good and went to help her find food with a thin smile!

Nowadays, the residual poison in her body has not been cleared away, and she is injured, so it is not suitable to eat fish, shrimp and other fats. Therefore, he went to the mountains to hunt a pheasant and came back, preparing to roast the chicken for her.

During the barbecue, he lit the fire outside. Firstly, it was not to affect her rest and let her sleep until she woke up naturally. Secondly, he hoped that someone would see the rising smoke and find them as soon as possible.

In fact, he was eager to have the opportunity to spend a few days alone with her. Secretly, he didn't want others to find them.

However, she was poisoned. Just in case, it was better to let her go back as soon as possible to detoxify. Moreover, since the food and accommodation here are not good, it is not suitable to stay here to recuperate.

Master Shen and Mrs. Shen did not disappoint him. When Xiangyun was finishing the roast chicken, there was a sudden noise outside the temple.The sound was not very real at first, but gradually it became clearer from far away, as if many people were shouting "Miss... Miss..."

"Miss, miss?"

"There were clearly bloodstains by the river just now, but we have been searching nearby for so long, and there is not even a single figure there. The bloodstains can't mean anything. I think Liu Huyuan, we should go downstream and search again. "

"Look, there is a Dragon King Temple!"

"Go over and have a look."

Juhua stopped chewing, and her big round eyes showed surprise: "Well... Mr. Mo... they are here to find us..."

Mo Zili nodded and smiled: "Yes, get out quickly. Master Shen and Mrs. Shen must be very anxious!"


Xiangyun threw away the leftover chicken and limped out!

When he ran to the door, he stopped and turned around and said, "You are following me, why are you still not moving? Is it possible that you are living in seclusion in the deep mountains and forests now?"

Mo Zili said: "As the saying goes, men and women are not close to each other. You had no choice but to act abruptly yesterday. I hope Miss Shen will forget about it. Don't tell others that Mo saved you because you were lucky. You can survive being rushed here, so as not to tarnish your reputation. If that happens, it will be Mo's fault."

Juhua was startled for a moment, she didn't expect that he would actually care about her so much. She was so moved that she couldn't help but said, "Master Mo, why are you so nice to me?"

Mo Zili's expression froze, he avoided Ju Hua's clear eyes, and whispered: "No reason!"

"But you risked your life to save me. Yesterday you almost froze to death outside in order to let me dry my clothes as quickly as possible. Today, for the sake of my reputation, you refused to leave with everyone. , you are so good to me, so good that I have to ask you, why are you so good to me?"

Mo Zili was stunned for a moment, his eyes shot out from the broken window of the temple, and he said in a deep voice: "Let's go quickly. If you don't leave, they will come for us. We stayed together all night last night. If they see us, we will definitely be killed." It will spread. As a man, I don’t have anything to fear. I can live with an innocent daughter. If such rumors spread, my reputation will be ruined for the rest of my life!"

When he said this, Juhua became nervous. She turned her head, and sure enough she saw the nurse from home running over with a few boys, and they were about to run to her side.

They couldn't let them see Mo Zili, let alone let them misunderstand him. Juhua didn't bother to question Mo Zili and limped towards Liu Huyuan.

"Oh, Miss, thank God, I finally found you!"

When Liu Huyuan saw the chrysanthemum, he felt as if he had picked up a gold ingot, and he grinned with joy from ear to ear. After the eldest lady's accident yesterday, the master said that whoever finds the eldest lady will be rewarded with a thousand taels of silver.

One thousand taels of silver is not a small amount of money, it is enough for them to use for the rest of their lives.

As soon as the master's reward order was issued, the eyes of the nursing staff and the bodyguards were red. They spent the whole night without sleeping, and even the maids and women in the mansion came out. Everyone is eager to find Juhua. As long as they find her, the rest of their lives will be settled. Anyone else will come out to find her!

Amitabha, blessed by his ancestors, actually allowed him to find him. Now, he will become rich soon, oh...hehehe...

Juhua saw Liu Huyuan and said anxiously: "Liu Huyuan, where are my parents? Are they okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay. Master and Madam are both fine. It's just that Madam was a little too sad and has fainted a few times. But the doctor said it's okay. She will be fine when she sees the eldest lady." Liu Huyuan disappeared. Eye said.

Hearing that her mother had fainted, Juhua felt very distressed and hurriedly said: "Then take me to find them quickly!"

"Yes! Miss please!"

Liu Huyuan bent down and asked Juhua to go ahead, as if offering sacrifices to a Bodhisattva, and he followed her with his people. As he walked, he told the boys: "Everyone, keep your eyes open. Don't think that everything will be fine if you find the eldest lady. The master has said that whoever can find Mr. Mo will be rewarded with a wife. The house Let him choose the girl, and let me tell you, there is no such shop after this village."

"Yes, Liu Huyuan, you guys must keep your eyes peeled and dig deep to find Mr. Mo!"

The boys agreed, shaking their heads like rattles, and started looking everywhere...

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