Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1675 A happy family of five (3)

The white-haired tiger carried the weeds on its back and galloped all night, arriving at Qingxian County before dawn. After arriving, it did not return to the space. Instead, it told Caiwei that it was going to visit its mother in Karen Mountain.

It is already November, and it is already very cold in the north. Many people who are afraid of the cold are wearing cotton-padded clothes, and those who are not afraid of the cold are also wearing jackets to resist the increasingly cold temperatures.

Caiwei found a place where no one was around, entered the space first, and cooked a delicious breakfast for the four of them. After eating, she helped a few buns to dress up. After checking that there was no one outside, she took them out of the space. come out.

The streets of Qingxian County are as bustling as ever. There are people coming and going on the streets. There are people from the Jin Dynasty, people from Liaodan, or people from Mengnu. People in several different costumes are walking on the streets, which adds a bit of foreignness to the streets. style. The shops on both sides of the road opened one after another, and some diligent vendors set up stalls early, loudly selling direct products to passers-by, including eggs laid by their own hens; and mushrooms picked in the mountains. , fungus and wild vegetables, as well as candied haws stewed with brown sugar and hawthorn fruit...

The three buns were used to seeing the palaces, pavilions, waterside pavilions and pavilions in the palace. When they first saw the simple and lively streets, they opened their big clear eyes curiously. Their little heads shook like rattles, looking here and there. It's almost not enough.

Caiwei held Mingzhu, and Nangong Yi held Jin'er and Yu'er. The couple walked casually on the streets of Qingxian County like ordinary young couples going to the market, looking east and west, feeling extremely comfortable. Here, no one knows who they are, and there is no need to worry about being recognized like in the capital.

When passing by a stall selling candied haws on a stick, Mingzhu suddenly stretched out her chubby little hands and said loudly: "Qiqiqiqiqi..."

Caiwei stopped and said with a gentle smile, "Mingzhu, do you want to eat candied haws?"

Mingzhu's big eyes were shining, and she looked at the shiny strings of candied haws for a moment, and affirmed: "Seven!"

The vendor selling candied haws hurriedly said: "It costs five cents a bunch. They are big and sweet. Madam, sell a bunch for the children to try. You see, your little daughter is drooling."

The corners of Caiwei's mouth twitched twice, and she helplessly wiped Mingzhu's saliva with a handkerchief. She took out fifteen cents from her purse, bought three bunches of bright red candied haws, and divided them among the three buns.

The three little guys took it and immediately opened their small mouths with only a dozen teeth to bite. Nangong Yi looked at his gentle and beautiful wife and adorable children, and a knowing smile appeared on his handsome face.

Caiwei and Nangong Yi came out in a low-key manner just to avoid the troubles of the world and relax. Therefore, even the clothes they wore were not gorgeous brocade clothes. They were all cotton jackets made by Caiwei at the request of the Garment Bureau. .

They originally thought that dressing up in such a low-key manner would not attract anyone's attention, but they overlooked one thing, that is, their family's appearance is too good. No matter how low-key they are, they will attract people's attention.

Especially the three white, tender, fragrant and soft milk buns. They wore furry fur panda costumes designed by Caiwei. They also had two small black ears sewn on their heads in a pretentious manner, and each of them had a short short on their buttocks. Their tails, paired with their pink and tender little faces, are so cute.

Soon, the three siblings attracted the attention of everyone on the street, and even their parents were overshadowed by them.

"Oh, look at those three little kids, they look so good-looking!"

"It's not that bad. These three little guys are like jade carvings. They are really rare."

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