Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1681 A chance encounter in Lin'an (4)

Hearing his hasty addition, Caiwei smiled, knowing that he was thinking of their relationship at the beginning. At that time, Nangong Yi always thought about his responsibilities and refused to marry Caiwei as his wife. I want to take her as my concubine!

However, fortunately, his concept changed later, otherwise, Caiwei would never compromise!

This incident was quickly forgotten by Caiwei. After the meal, the two of them switched to before the meal and drove away in the car.Walking to a quiet place, Caiwei put the carriage, horses and men into the space, waiting for the white-haired tiger to pick them up at night.

Lin'an Prefecture

Mr. Shen, who was tired of life, took his wife Cui Shi and his daughter Shen Juhua, and they drove all the way day and night. They had arrived at Lin'an Mansion. The family stayed at the famous Yuelai Inn in Lin'an Mansion, and the servants also drove in with their carriages. When we got to the yard, those who carried luggage, those who unloaded trucks, and those who tied horses were very busy.

Accompanied by her mother, Juhua checked into a high room in Yuelai Inn. It was already very late now. Mrs. Shen and Mrs. Cui had been tired in the car all day and were planning to have dinner. Just wash up and go to sleep. Unexpectedly, when Juhua just passed by the bustling and gorgeous streets of Lin'an Prefecture, she was fascinated by the spectacular and luxurious scenery on the streets. She was pestering her hard and insisted on going out to the evening market.

Although Mrs. Shen didn't want to go, she couldn't bear to see her daughter begging her like this, so she had to agree. She was so happy that she smiled with joy and thanked her again and again.

After dinner, the family of three took the maid and several nurses with them, and walked in a meandering way to the most famous evening market in Lin'an Prefecture.

Lin'an Prefecture is a big city second only to Kyoto. The evening market here is very famous, and many shops are open all night.

When night falls, the businesses on both sides of the street hang up red lanterns, one next to the other, making the whole street bright and red, with a strong and charming color.

Under the light, various small stalls were set up one after another, selling one after another. There were so many types of goods that Juhua felt that her eyes were not enough, and she had to look at each stall for a while. Rouge, gouache, enamel jewelry, and dioramas kept her eyes dazzled. She was as excited as a child, jumping happily from one stall to another. Every novelty made her happy. First half day.

Seeing that her daughter was happy, Mrs. Cui was naturally happy too. However, she was older and not as energetic as Juhua. After running with her for a while, she obviously felt that she was unable to do what she wanted, so she asked Master Shen to follow her daughter and help her herself. He took the girl's hand and went back to the car to wait for now.

Today is the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, the annual Double Ninth Festival. When I was in Qingxian County, every time this festival came, everyone would put dogwood on their heads and climb mountains to look far away. But the Shen family was busy on their way, so they took the Double Ninth Festival as the occasion. I forgot about the code.

I remembered this when I saw many people with dogwood on their heads on the street. Juhua bought a few pieces of Double Ninth Festival cakes and shared them with her father, Xiaokui and several nurses. To cope with the situation, she sent another nurse to take the remaining cakes to the car for Mom to eat.

Juhua continued to wander around the evening market with great interest. While watching, she reported what she saw and heard to her father. Master Shen smiled lovingly. Whenever his daughter liked something, he would tell her whether it was useful or not. I bought it generously to make my daughter happy.

Passing by a stall selling snacks, I suddenly smelled a pungent smell, which was extremely stinky.

Master Shen frowned and said, "How can there be such a smell in such a prosperous and prosperous street, but there is something rotten and smelly nearby?"

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