Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1686 I have to discuss this with my wife (4)

Four updates the next day

Caiwei arrived at the Royal City in Lingbei. It had just arrived in November, and it was already freezing in Lingbei. The dripping water turned into ice. Fortunately, Caiwei had foreseen this kind of temperature. When she set off from Qingxian last night, she specially wore There were several layers of big sweaters, and his head was wrapped tightly, not even his eyes were exposed.

Therefore, even if the cold wind blew on the tiger's back for most of the night, and even if it snowed heavily in Lingbei last night, it did not freeze her at all.

When they arrived at the royal city, it was still dark and the streets were deserted. Caiwei took the white-haired tiger into the space and slipped in herself.

In the space, the three bags had already woken up and were sitting at the table in a decent manner, eating the loving breakfast prepared by their father. When Caiwei came in, the father and son all showed cheerful smiles. Nangong Yi stepped forward, helped her take off several layers of thick fur clothes on her body, and said distressedly: "Madam, you've had a hard night, go wash your hands and have breakfast!"

Caiwei looked at the sumptuous breakfast on the table and said with a smile, "Hey! You made such delicious food so early in the morning to tempt us to eat. Do you want us to become fat people?"

Nangong Yi said: "What's wrong with being fat? It's like a peach, juicy and tender, it's better than dry!"

Upon hearing the man's inappropriate words, Caiwei rolled her eyes at him, turned around and teased a few buns, and refused to pay attention to him anymore.

When Mingzhu saw her mother looking at them, she hurriedly stretched out her fat and short arms to her, asking her to hug her, and kept shouting: Hug, hug, hug..."

Jin'er is a little man who doesn't bother competing with his sister for favor, and he doesn't let Caiwei hold him. He clumsily lifts a big bun like a little adult and expresses his thoughts to Caiwei word by word: "Mom, seven packs----"

Caiwei picked up the fleshy pearl with curved eyebrows, bent down to take Jin'er's little hand, took a bite on the bun, smashed her mouth in an exaggerated way, and said: "Well, it smells so good, Jin'er The buns I feed my mother are the most delicious..."

Yu'er on the side blinked her big eyes, took a look, and slowly raised her pink lips to Caiwei, "Wooing" in her mouth, indicating that she wanted to "smell one", indicating that he could give it to her too. The Queen Mother is fragrant!

Caiwei immediately squatted down beside him happily, and kissed Yu'er vigorously with a smile on her face. Nangong Yi's eyes almost glowed green. For the first time, she felt that her son was not as good as her daughter!

In order to reward Caiwei for her hard work last night, after the man got up, he cut a handful of fresh vegetables in the vegetable field, found a few wild eggs in the woods, baked a small pot of leek boxes, and cooked rice. Porridge, milk, steamed two drawers of steamed buns, one with meat fillings and one with vegetarian fillings, to make breakfast for his wife and children.

As for cooking, Nangong Yi is self-taught. In this aspect, he has a strong talent. Whatever he eats can be made by him after thinking about it for a while, and whether it looks good or tastes good, All exactly the same.

For this reason, Caiwei often joked that she was a top chef in her previous life, but under the feeding of this top chef, her figure has become a bit fat.

She had been worried about this, and had also thought about losing weight, doing yoga, etc., but Nangong Yi said that it is better for women to be a little fatter, and fat people are blessed. He also vowed that he liked her best when she was fat. In his opinion, the months she was pregnant were the most beautiful in her life.

Although Caiwei didn't think fat was good-looking, she gave up the idea of ​​losing weight when the man said it so sincerely. Losing weight was not an easy task, and a person like her had to take care of three children every day and take care of the whole family. Women who have children in the harem are almost always physically exhausted, and they have to rely on the food they eat every day to replenish their calories. If they continue to diet to lose weight, it will definitely cause damage to the body!

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