Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1693 Return to Mu Village (5)

Caiwei coughed twice and said, "It's not a big deal. I was lucky enough to get some good seeds, so I wanted to give them to everyone to sow during spring plowing next year. If these seeds are planted, next year's harvest will be at least 30% more." "

Hearing this, the patriarch slapped his thigh happily and said loudly: "Oh, this is really great, Wei'er, I want to thank you on behalf of the whole village!"

What farmers care about most is the harvest. Hearing that good seeds can help everyone harvest 30% more harvests, the patriarch was so happy that he couldn't sit still. He stood up, turned around and said, "Where are the seeds? Is it okay for me to go take a look?"

The patriarch's wife rolled her eyes at him and said, "Look at your inability to speak. Wei'er and my uncle have just come in. The seats on the edge of the Kang are not yet warm. You want to see the seeds. Isn't this driving people away?" "

When the patriarch heard this, he realized that he was being rude, so he sat down again and explained, "I was so happy that I forgot about it. I had absolutely no other intentions. Weier, please don't worry about it!"

Caiwei smiled and said: "The patriarch is serious. I have known you for more than a year or two. Don't I still know what kind of person you are? It would be better if you don't meet me. Those seeds are all placed by me." It's in the kitchen of my house. When you, the patriarch, are free, you can go from house to house and distribute it on a per-person basis."

"Okay, okay, I'll notify everyone to get it later, haha..."

The patriarch was so happy that he rubbed his hands together, "If every acre of land can get 30% more grain, in a few years, every household in our village will be able to afford a horse-drawn carriage. This is really great!"

In rural areas, the standard of living well for a family is whether they can afford transportation such as horse-drawn carriages and ox-carts, just like whether modern families can afford cars.

Families who cannot afford horse-drawn carriages or ox-carts are usually called poor peasants and are looked down upon. Their sons cannot even marry a good girl; while families with cars are regarded as well-off, and naturally they are If you are favored by others, your son will get married or your daughter will get married, you will find a more satisfactory partner.

After coming out of the village chief's house, the couple walked on the familiar village road. Caiwei murmured to Baozi in her arms as they walked: "Look, the well in front of us is the only well in our village. Everyone in the village needs water." I have to come here to fetch water. Quite a few years ago, my mother often came here to fetch water..."

"Mu Caiwei!"

A cry, like a ghost's cry, pierced the thin morning air and pierced Caiwei's ears.

Caiwei turned around and saw her eldest aunt Li, with disheveled hair and glaring at her viciously.

Caiwei sneered and said, "Are you calling me? It's fine that others in this village don't know my identity, but you know who I am. If you call me by my name like this, you are not afraid that I will punish you." A crime of deceiving the emperor?"

Mrs. Li shouted: "You can't kill someone without a nod. My bottle has been broken into thousands of pieces by you. My Fu'er and Cai'er are also suffering from internal diseases. Now they are worse than dead. My good family has been harmed by you." With things like this, what should I be afraid of?"

Caiwei said coldly: "Mrs. Mu, please be careful, I am in the capital and you are in Mujia Village, thousands of miles apart. How can I harm you? Besides, why should I harm you?"

"You are the one who harmed us. You gave our family two bitches with dirty diseases, and ruined my good son. He can no longer even carry on the family lineage. It's a shame that those two goblins are flirting with each other. Our family has been driven to death and gone crazy, are you satisfied now?"

Mrs. Li shouted wildly and attracted many villagers out. When everyone saw Caiwei who was calm and calm, and Mrs. Li who looked crazy, they all immediately knew what was going on and started talking. He came up to persuade him and said, "My dear, are you too worried? The scholar and your boss are brothers, how could they harm you?"

"That's right. If your family, Fu'er and Cai'er, hadn't recruited bachelors to come to their homes for gambling and prostitution, your family wouldn't be in such a bad situation..."

"Your Ping'er was killed, and even the government didn't find out who did it. How can you be sure that it was Sister Wei who did it?"

Everyone spoke for Caiwei with every word, and also condemned her for recruiting those gangsters and bachelors into the village to cause mischief, implying that it was her own family who brought it upon themselves and could not blame others!

When Mrs. Li heard everyone talking for Caiwei, the anger in her heart seemed to be even more fueled. Her rationality was burned away. She shouted hoarsely: "She did it. She was seeking revenge for our previous treatment." They are more strict, but the old man and the old lady did it. What does it have to do with Ping'er, Fu'er, and Cai'er? Why are you so vicious and ruined all three of my children? We The head of the house is crazy, the old man and the old lady are both dead. Mu Caiwei, now, you and your shabby-shoes lady are having sex, isn’t it...ah..."

Before he finished speaking, Li suddenly flew straight out, flew over the crowd of onlookers, and landed seven or eight meters away. He fell to the ground and could not get up.

Everyone was shocked and looked at Nangong Yi who kicked Li away with a look of horror.

This man, holding two children in his arms, could still kick someone so far away. This was terrifying.

Nangong Yi retracted his feet and looked at Mrs. Li who was lying on the ground vomiting blood. He said coldly: "I knew that your elder brother bullied her in the past, so I'm extra merciful because I didn't care about you. Now you To be so reckless and dare to insult and humiliate her in public, it seems that you have really had enough!"

Li's ribs were broken by several kicks, and her pain nerves had calmed down. She lay on the ground, not caring about distinguishing anything, holding her injured ribs and screaming like a pig.

"Ah…. Killed…. Help…"

Mu Zhongli ran over like crazy and saw Mrs. Li lying on the ground screaming loudly. He also lay on the side and imitated her: "Ah... Killer... help..."

Seeing that the anger in Nangong Yi's eyes was still there, Caiwei knew that he had murderous intentions, so she pulled his sleeve and whispered: "They are already like this, let's not be like them!"

Under her gentle words, Nangong Yi's eyes gradually returned to normal. With a cold face, he turned and walked towards Caiwei's home.

Caiwei stayed behind, and just as the clan leader rushed over, she took out a ten-tael piece of silver and handed it into the team leader's hand, saying: "Clan Leader, we are leaving soon, please take the silver, please." Let's hire a doctor to help her take a look."

The patriarch took the money and said repeatedly: "Hey, okay, Miss Wei'er, don't worry, I'll go ask the doctor soon."

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