Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1695: Never give up. Update (2)

With that said, in order to prevent everyone from continuing to struggle with the matter of eating, Caiwei added: "I have all the seeds at home. You can call the people in the village later and distribute these seeds according to their heads." They are all extremely rare and good seeds. Don’t waste them. Wait until next autumn and you will know what I mean.   "

When the patriarch's wife and several women heard that the seeds were inside, they all hurriedly went to take a look and gave Caiwei a few words. Seeing that Caiwei really couldn't stay for dinner, they had no choice but to let her go, and they also hurried in. Went to see the seeds.

After getting rid of everyone's warm invitations, the couple went on the road. On the way, Caiwei put the buns into the space, ran outside and sat on the shaft of the car with Nangong Yi, enjoying the scenery of the countryside and laughing and chatting.

It was early winter at this time, and the crops in the fields had been harvested, leaving only a layer of stubble, the leaves on the trees had fallen, and the grass in the mountains and fields were all withered and yellow. There was nothing to see, but that was it. But it has a unique kind of desolate beauty that is vast and vast. When people are in it, they can't help but have a vast and broad feeling!

Nangong Yi was moved by the scene, holding a whip in one hand and holding Caiwei's hand in the other: "Madam, when our Jin'er grows up in the future, I will give this country to my husband. The two of us will travel all over the world's famous mountains and rivers, and do A magical couple!"

Caiwei smiled and said: "Throughout the ages, how many people have risked beheading and annihilating their clans in order to ascend to the throne of the emperor, and have made the people of the world bleed into rivers and become homeless. But you, father and son, regard this throne as a burden. Once you have an heir, you can't wait to get rid of him. Should I say that you are open-minded, or should I say that you have no ambition?"

Nangong Yi laughed heartily and said: "Whatever you think, I will not change my decision because of other people's opinions. I can inherit this throne and work hard in this chair until Yu'er grows up. I am worthy of my father, worthy of the ancestors of the Nangong family, and worthy of the people of the world. When Yu'er grows up, I will definitely hand over this troublesome country to him, and then live our own life with you. How about we two go wherever we want and live how we want without worrying about anything else at all and just be a carefree couple?"

The kind of life the man mentioned does sound worthy of admiration. If Caiwei is really just a sixteen-year-old girl, she will definitely be moved by the man's imagination and burst into pink bubbles. But in fact, she is In the eyes of a woman who has the mentality of an old woman in her thirties, men's ideas are beautiful, but very unrealistic. As a parent, how can you let go of your children and live your own life?

The lives, marriages, and even the next generation of their children will always be involved in their thoughts. Even if they go out, they will not leave with peace of mind. In her eyes, as long as she is with him and her children, life is the most beautiful and happiest no matter where she is. It doesn't matter to her whether she needs to go out and visit famous mountains, rivers, scenic spots, etc. .

Caiwei was not interested in the man's idea, but she did not tell her actual thoughts, so as not to disappoint him. She only said: "How do you know that Jin'er will be willing to accept your arrangement? Maybe she doesn't want to be her husband." This emperor doesn’t want to be your dragon throne!"

Nangong Yi said disapprovingly: "What are you afraid of? Even if he is not willing, I still have Yu'er. Of the two sons, there will always be one who is willing to be the emperor. Even if they are not willing, it doesn't matter. I will learn from the Supreme Emperor and insist on it." Pass the throne to them and see what they can do!"

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