Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1705 Meeting an old friend in a foreign land (4)

Mo Ziqi said: "I don't want to start a war for no reason and make the people suffer. It's just that, Your Majesty, even if we don't attack Xianbei, Liao Dan will do it. If Liao Dan annexes Xianbei, it will attack our Jin Dynasty." A situation of encirclement will form. The Great Khan of Liao and Dan is ambitious and will definitely covet the territory of Jin Dynasty again. Therefore, I feel that instead of being passive then, it is better to be proactive now and strike first. !"

"Liao Dan can't do that!"

Caiwei sat down next to Nangong Yi. Dan Ning's distant smile was filled with irresistible determination. She repeated: "If our Jin Dynasty doesn't take action, Liao Dan will not take action either!"

Mo Ziqi pursed his lips, with a hint of doubt on his handsome face, "How did the empress know that Liao Dan would not take action? Saknu is so ambitious that he will never be content to just stay in the bitter cold land of Liao Dan!"

Caiwei smiled and said: "Because he doesn't dare. If he dares to attack Xianbei, I will have my own way to put him in a situation that will never be recovered!"

Nangong Yi knew his wife's abilities, so he laughed and said, "When Saknu meets you, all his ambitions in this life can only be kept in his harem!"

Mo Ziqi stared blankly at the couple playing riddles, not knowing what to say.

However, although he didn't understand why the emperor and the queen were so confident, he had vaguely heard some legends about the queen. It was said that the queen had magical powers, and she was the one who punished the former general who protected the country when he rebelled. Otherwise, the Jin Dynasty would have been overturned by him long ago, and the Liguo Palace would have been razed to the ground long ago.

Therefore, after seeing how determined she and the emperor were, he felt relieved, bowed, and resigned...

Juhua and Mrs. Cui sat on their carriage, and they couldn't wait to open the ninety-nine fruit box that Caiwei had given them. They took out the dried fruits and ate them. While eating, they said vaguely: "Mom, you also want to try it." Taste it, the fruit in the palace is delicious, much sweeter than the fruit over there!"

Ms. Cui said with a smile: "It's hot in the south, so the fruits are naturally sweeter than those in the north. It's just that although the fruit is sweet and delicious, eating too much will make you fat. Look at you, your body is round and plump. You are full today." All the rich ladies of the palace, you are the fattest one."

Juhua is a die-hard foodie and will not give up her delicious food for the sake of image. She ate dried white dates and said with a smile: "It's better to be fatter, as fat as a pig." I can’t even recruit the son-in-law you’ve longed for. By then, I’ll be able to live quietly by your side for the rest of my life! Haha…”

Perhaps it was because she had seen too much pain and tears from her mother when she was a child, and suffered too many grievances and ill-humours from Aunt Yan and other aunts. Therefore, in Juhua’s heart, she has always been repelled by marriage and men. She didn’t want to get married at all, and she didn’t want to get married. People just want to be free and live a happy life, eat whatever they want, and buy whatever they want. What a wonderful life like this!

If she marries someone, just marry well. If she marries someone who is ruthless and ambitious, won't she have to repeat her mother's old mistakes, and won't her children have to suffer like she did before?

Therefore, she was unwilling to get married. Whenever her parents mentioned this matter, she tried to treat it with a negative and repulsive attitude. She had already thought about it. It would be best not to get married. If she couldn't avoid it, she would recruit a wife. Be honest and do your duty. If you can live with her wholeheartedly in the future, you must never follow your mother's old path again!

Mrs. Shen heard Juhua's words that she didn't want to get married again, and unconsciously persuaded her: "Your child is a leftist again. How can anyone in my daughter's family not marry? My parents will grow old one day, and there is no way to keep them." It's your whole life. When the time comes, what will you do alone? When you get old and can't move, and you don't have any children around you to look after you, is it possible to just wait for death? So, don't say no again in the future. Marry..."

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