Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1712 Getting fat (2)

Liu Xi looked at Juhua's fleeing back and laughed: "I don't want to be angry with her, but she wants to fight with me every time I meet, so I have to reluctantly accept her move. However, this little chubby girl is silly and is really fun." Damn it!"

The corner of Huanqiu's mouth twitched twice, "Little fat girl, that's funny. If Miss Shen hears such a metaphor, she will probably have the urge to hit the wall..."

When Juhua returned home, her father Shen Luming had already come back and was talking to her mother in the flower hall. Seeing her back, her mother said in surprise: "Didn't you go to eat hot pot? Why are you back so soon?"

As soon as he finished asking, he noticed that Juhua's face looked very bad, so he asked Xiaokui, "What's wrong, miss? Didn't you go to eat hot pot? Why did you come back with such a bad look on your face?"

Xiao Kui glanced at Ju Hua and said cautiously: "To tell you what to say to Madam, we met Liu Xi at the Eight Blessings Hotpot City. The dead eunuch ridiculed the lady. The lady didn't say anything about her, so she ran back in anger... …"

"Who says I haven't talked about him? Huh, I didn't even bother to know him. Huh, damn eunuch..."

Juhua would never admit that she was defeated by Liu Xi. She argued angrily, looking like she was gritting her teeth.

Cui sighed: "Chrysanthemum, it's not what I said to you, you are the same. Can't a daughter just stay at home? Why do you always go out to show off your arrogance? Then Liu Xi is a popular person around the queen. Others It’s hard not to be flattery, but you are so stubborn that you have to fight with others. Fortunately, Liu Xi has some friendship with your father, and fortunately the queen is familiar with us. Otherwise, it would be enough for others to just lift their fingers. Let’s have a drink as a family."

"He dares?"

Juhua crossed her hips fiercely, and her round eyes widened, "If he dares to take personal revenge, I will go to Caiwei to file a complaint against him. Caiwei will definitely believe what I say." Yes, I will definitely not let him go, I will definitely..."

"Okay, okay, if you've been told, don't say it..."

Master Shen saw Juhua getting more and more excited as she talked, almost bursting with jealousy, so he quickly interrupted Juhua and comforted her and said: "Juhua, don't act like a eunuch, we won't be angry anymore! Dad wants to tell you a good thing." "

As he spoke, his face showed a bit of pride: "Later, when I was young, my father's boss, Uncle Wu Qing, invited our family to have a gathering at his house. Did you know that there were dozens of colleagues in the ministry, and Uncle Wu Qing was just one of them?" I invited your father alone, which gives your father a lot of face!"

Juhua has the temper of a child. When she heard her father's words, she was instantly attracted. She forgot her anger and said in surprise: "Dad has just arrived and he has no power in the capital. Why did Uncle Wu Qing only invite him?"

Hearing his daughter's straightforward question, Mr. Shen coughed, with a bit of annoyance on his face, and said, "Probably... I heard about the relationship between our family and the Queen. However, it may also be to encourage dad to continue." Do your duty conscientiously, and you know that dad's ability cannot be underestimated..."

Mrs. Cui didn't say anything, but she believed in her heart that the reason why her family was invited was entirely because the Queen and her daughter were familiar with each other. Ever since their mother and daughter showed up in the palace on Yuan Day, there have always been people. The ladies and ladies of the official family corresponded with them and deliberately made friends with them. If it were not for the period of national mourning, they would have attended so many banquets and listened to so many jokes!

Regarding the gathering at Uncle Wu Qing's Mansion, Juhua didn't pay much attention to it. She had already been to the palace, so there was nothing to be afraid of when she went to the small Uncle Wu Qing's Mansion.

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