Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1721 Chrysanthemum Engagement (3)

Especially Wen'er and Wu'er. After returning home, they would either practice martial arts with their masters or go riding horses and practice riding and shooting. They never calmed down for a moment. If they were wearing delicate silk and satin clothes, they would be worn out before dark. , Mrs. Du was also considering whether to make them two pairs of coarse cloth clothes.

Later, I saw that Fei'er and Caiwei kept sending them clothes. These clothes would be useless if they didn't wear them, so I gave up the idea of ​​making coarse cloth clothes for them. However, she has already told Caiwei and Fei'er to give them less clothes in the future. Children's homes do not need to be too well-dressed, as long as the clothes are clean and decent, and they are enough to wear. Don't let them grow up as children of the gentry in the capital. The extravagant style.

Caiwei and Fei'er also agreed with their mother's point of view, so they didn't always give them clothes, shoes, etc. like before. Du Shi even proposed to let Wu'er wear the old clothes that Wen'er had worn before, and those clothes were too small. They are also made of very good materials. It would be a pity to keep them for nothing. They are just perfect for Wuer to wear!

Seeing that Wu'er was so sensible, Fei'er happily touched his little head and said, "That's fine. It's a coincidence that sister Qian'er got a set of the Four Treasures of the Study from Zhiyanzhai. I'll send someone to deliver it to you tomorrow..."

After the children fell asleep, Caiwei took them into her space and quietly left Mu's house alone and went to Juhua's house.

Juhua's house is located diagonally across from Mu's Mansion, and it's only a ten-minute walk away. She hasn't seen Juhua for a long time, so she just took the opportunity to visit her today and tell Mrs. Shen the plan of running the Duke's Mansion, so that they can keep it in mind. There are several.

At this time, the Shen family was having lunch at home. The three members of the family were sitting on the kang, chatting about home affairs and drinking small wine. They were very happy. The unexpected arrival of the weed picker made the family excited and a little confused. measures.

On the first day of the lunar month, why did the Queen suddenly arrive at their home? But what's the matter?

Caiwei saw the family's doubts and said with a smile: "I was going back to my parents' house to visit my parents. Since our two families are close to each other, I stopped by to have a look."

Juhua took Caiwei's hand and said, "Caiwei, you came just in time. Help me persuade my mother. She and my father are forcing me to get married!"

Ms. Cui glared at her and said angrily: "You are a girl. You are a daughter of a family. You will not marry in front of others, and you are not ashamed!"

Juhua snorted, twisted her neck, and said, "It's not all because of you. I have to let Caiwei give you an edict today, so that you don't have to spend all day trying to send me away."

"I'm not sending you away, I'm recruiting you!" Mr. Shen corrected from the side.

When she heard that Juhua had found someone to marry her, Caiwei's eyes suddenly lit up and she said, "Have you found someone to marry you so quickly? This is a good thing. Male students are expected to get married, and female students are expected to get married. What's the conflict? ? Besides, you are asking for a wife, and I am not asking you to get married. It is no different than at home, it is just one more person in the family!"

"Listen, the queen has said this, but you are the only one who still refuses to agree!"

The Queen was on their side, and Ms. Cui felt more confident. She scolded her daughter and said, "Besides that Li Sheng's family is poor, what's wrong with him? He passed the exam based on his own ability." He is a talented scholar, with a handsome face and a good appearance, not to mention his character and conduct. Even a picky man like your father is full of praise for him. It is not every day that you come across such a good candidate. If you miss it, Next time you want to find such a satisfactory person, maybe you will have to wait until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse?"

"Yes, yes, my daughter, this opportunity cannot be missed, and it will never come back again."

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