Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1727 Mo Zili returns to Beijing (4)

There are many kinds of fish in Lingxi, all of which are rare ornamental fish. Caiwei planned to open a pet shop specializing in selling ornamental fish. The Jin Dynasty was prosperous, and the people were happy to spend money to have fun, so, Her pet shop will definitely make a lot of money. Not to mention anything else, just the golden-scaled fish brought into the Marquis of Jian'an's mansion can be sold for tens of thousands of taels of silver.

Of course, this plan will have to wait until Empress Dowager Mo has served her three years of filial piety...

Nangong Yi entered the space and quickly found Caiwei and the children. When he saw Caiwei wrapping yuanxiao, he also wanted to help. Caiwei said: "I have almost everything here, you go catch a pheasant and kill it." Come on, I'll make chicken soup for you later."

So, the man obediently left the small courtyard and went into the woods to catch chickens.

Today is the fifteenth day, and Caiwei is preparing to prepare a decent table to celebrate with her husband and children. Therefore, not only is she preparing to stew a pot of thick chicken soup, but she also orders the imperial chef to make a salted duck with soy sauce and cut it into plates when it is cold. It's just fine, not spicy, with a sweet osmanthus flavor, which Mu Caiwei loves to eat.

The fish is ready to be steamed. I use the children's favorite fish as an ingredient to make a steamed fish, with sauce on the outside.

However, only the duck was cooked by the royal chef, and the rest was waiting for the man to do it. It wasn't that she didn't do housework. She had agreed last night that if she was bothered, he would do all the work today. Caiwei's waist was about to break due to the man's torment, but she was able to bear some of his burden today, which was already pretty good!

Nangong Yi caught the chicken, killed it, scalded the feathers with hot water, and washed it with several basins of hot water, removed the internal organs of the chicken, cleaned the chicken, and brought it to the kitchen, where he and Caiwei started working together. , the two of them chatted while working, but they were not lonely.

"I just received a side report from Xianbei. The civil strife in Xianbei has ended. A member of the royal family named He Lanhao has won the throne and will be on the throne soon."

"So fast? What is this He Lanhao capable of? Why did he win the big position?" Caiwei asked, having finished wrapping the last Yuanxiao in her hand, and she placed the wrapped Yuanxiao neatly on the bamboo On the curtain, a shelf for storing food was placed.

"I don't know exactly how he won the throne. However, I heard that he is only twenty years old this year. He is brave, good at fighting, and resourceful. It is not surprising that he can become the final winner of this throne competition."

"Then, will he marry Chao Gei as his queen as usual?"

"Will do!"

Nangong Yi was extremely confident: "He has just ascended the throne, and the world situation is not yet stable, so he must have support from our Dajin. If he wants to win over Dajin, the best way is to marry the princess of our Dajin and become his queen. Besides, the court will Gui is quite beautiful and smart enough, so he probably won't refuse."

While he was talking, he had stuffed mushrooms, wolfberries, green onions, coriander and other seasonings into the chicken belly, and then put it in the pot.

The stove was burning with fire-resistant fruit wood, and the flames were beeping and beeping, so there was no need to add firewood frequently.

"Weier, look at the pot. I'm going to catch a golden-scaled fish and steam it." Nangong Yi explained, got up and went outside to catch fish.

The buns had finished playing with the glutinous rice dumplings in their hands. When they saw their father going out, they all chased him with their short legs.

The kitchen was clean. Caiwei took the opportunity to light another stove and fried some meatballs, sweet and spicy peanuts, small twists, glutinous rice sticks, fried red dates and other snacks and side dishes. She also made two cold vegetables, adding Nangong Yi's The steamed fish to be cooked can fill a large table.

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