Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1745 The sun and moon grow long in the big pot of the universe in the sleeve (2)

next day

After Nangong Yi came to court, Caiwei put the three fed buns into the space and stored some snacks and fruits in the space for them to eat when they were hungry.

After getting ready, she changed into clothes worn by ordinary people and went out of the palace alone. Today she had made an appointment with Juhua to check the accounts together.

However, before checking the accounts, she planned to go to the Nursing Home to have a look. Ever since she became pregnant and gave birth to her child, she had not been to the Nursing Home and Yishan Hall once, so she might as well go and have a look together while she was out today.

It is already the weather in April on the Gregorian calendar. The peach trees have bloomed and the leaves have sprouted. The people on the street have put on their single clothes and are walking in the noisy and bustling streets. There are red flowers and green willows everywhere, full of spring. .

Daihua was sitting in the carriage, looking out at the street scene through the glass window, her eyebrows were dancing with excitement, and she was chattering away.

"I haven't been out for more than half a month. I didn't expect the changes outside to be so drastic. Look, that tree is the one next to 'Beijing Eight Pieces'. It was still bare when I saw it last time. , this time I saw it was actually green..."


"Oh, Caiwei, look, there's a monkey trick over there, let's go and have a look, okay? Let's go, let's go..."

Caiwei had a headache from the noise and threatened her: "If you continue to be dishonest, just stay at home and prepare your dowry tomorrow, and don't even think about going out with me again."

Being frightened by her, Juhua stuck out her tongue and shut her mouth obediently, not daring to make any noise to her anymore.

When they arrived at the support hall, Aunt Mo, the director of the support hall, came out. Aunt Mo had always been in charge of the support hall in the capital. Because Aunt Mo was upright and kind, Caiwei was relieved to leave the support hall in her hands, even though Even if she hadn't been here for more than a year, she wasn't worried about what would happen.

Aunt Mo was very happy to see Caiwei. She held her hand and asked questions as if she were a relative.

Caiwei was very satisfied when she saw that the nursing home was well managed by her and that the people in the nursing home were well taken care of. She expressed her gratitude to Aunt Mo and asked her how her life had been recently. Nothing she needs help with?

Aunt Mo hesitated for a moment and said a little embarrassedly: "I'm sorry to say that, but I really want to ask your help for something today."

"Oh? What's the matter? Madam, why don't you tell me?"

"My careless son is now old enough to start a family and start a business, but he doesn't even have a wife. When other people reach my age, they all have grandchildren, but I don't have any grandchildren to hold. So, My heart is always empty and very uncomfortable!"

Caiwei said in surprise: "Brother Liancheng is so talented and the boss of Yishan Hall, how can he not find a wife? But he is too ambitious?"

Aunt Mo said: "That's right. That child, I found a few capable wives for him, but he didn't want them. He had to find one who could read and write. But there are few girls from small families who can read." ? Most of the literate girls are the daughters of wealthy families. Rich families talk a lot about it. I heard that Cheng'er had such an incompetent father. He was afraid that he would resemble his father, so he didn't want to marry my family. Alas, just because of this, he My marriage has been so delayed that it hasn’t been decided yet, and it’s almost worrying me to death... So, Wei’er, look, do you know any suitable girls? Please introduce them to my Cheng’er, who can marry me a daughter-in-law. Firstly, we don't ask for the other person's appearance, and secondly, we don't ask for the other person's family background. As long as she is the daughter of an innocent family, well-educated and knowledgeable, and her family is poor, her appearance is fine."

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