Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1750 The sun and moon grow long in the big pot of the universe in the sleeve (7)

"Oh, you have such a soft tone, but you don't know what your abilities are?"

Caiwei laughed and said to Juhua: "You can queue up here. I'll go back to the car and take a nap for a while. I got up early today and am very tired now.  "

Juhua said, "Go ahead. I'll go find you when everything is done!" After saying that, he joined the long queue.

Caiwei didn't get up early, but the buns were about to wake up. They had to eat after waking up. Although they had eaten some before, they were only snacks and fruits, and they hadn't eaten the main meal yet, so while the chrysanthemums were there, they While waiting in line, she returned to the car and entered the space to cook for the children.

When she returned to the space, the children were still sleeping sweetly. Caiwei ran to the vegetable field, found a big pumpkin, and made some sweet pumpkin cakes for the children. Caiwei felt that, for children, it must be They all like to eat sweets, and the sweet pumpkin pie must be to their liking.

She also specially made some ketchup to dip into the pumpkin pie. For the meal, she boiled some salted edamame and steamed a bowl of tender egg custard. The children were still young and couldn't eat anything too hard. She also didn’t want to feed her children too many stir-fry dishes. Egg custard was both nutritious and delicious, so it became the dish she cooked most for her children.

Not long after finishing, the buns woke up one after another. Caiwei took them to pee first, then helped them wash their hands and came to the dining table to eat.

This was the first time for several buns to eat pumpkin pie. When Caiwei put the pumpkin pie dipped in tomato sauce into their bowls, the buns immediately became curious and looked at the dish with big watery eyes. New food to eat.

Although they were curious, they all knew that the things their mother made for them must be good, so no one hesitated, and one by one they picked up the pumpkin cakes with their chubby hands and put them into their mouths.

The same pumpkin cake, eaten in several buns' mouths, showed different results. Jin'er frowned and seemed dissatisfied. It was probably because he didn't like the sweetness of pumpkin cake; Mingzhu however I liked it very much. After eating one bite, I immediately took another big bite. I ate it with gusto, and my eyes curled up, looking very happy. Yu'er didn't have any special expression, she ate obediently, and she couldn't tell whether she liked it or not. dislike……

Caiwei doesn't like children being picky eaters. Regardless of whether they like it or not, they must eat the food she makes, otherwise they will be hungry. She will never cook for her children just because they are picky eaters. She thinks If you do that, you are not helping your child, but encouraging your child to picky eaters!

Under her gentle care, several buns had enough to eat, and even picky Jin'er also ate a piece of pumpkin pie. After eating, they walked happily on their short legs and went out to play. Caiwei He handed them over to Changmei and Yinggeer, and quickly returned to the car.

Juhua is coming back soon. If she comes back and sees that he is not in the car, it will scare her.

Not long after returning to the car, Juhua also came back. As soon as she entered the car, she complained: "There are so many people, but I finally got there, but it was seven days later, and it was Shenshi, Caiwei, you can come out at that time ?"

Caiwei said: "Yes!"

Even if she can't get out, she still has to, otherwise Juhua's parents won't let her out.

Seeing Caiwei being so generous, Shen Juhua said happily: "Caiwei, you are so interesting!"

In Li Guogong's Mansion

Mo Shuya angrily recounted the process of meeting Shen Juhua to Mo Zili, and said bitterly: "Third uncle, Shen Juhua is really too much. You even risked your life for her, but she treats you like this." , If I had known that she was such a heartless, ruthless and unjust woman, I would never have interacted with her, she is such a white-eyed wolf!"

After listening to Mo Shuya's words, Mo Zili smiled calmly and said, "Juhua is not heartless or heartless, she is just slow. Sooner or later, she will figure it out!"

Mo Shuya said in shock: "Third uncle, what do you mean by saying that? Don't you still want to give up on her?"

Give up, how could you give up!

After hearing Mo Shuya's childish words, Mo Zili smiled bitterly. How could he give up on the person he regarded as the salvation of his life?

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