Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1755 Liu Xi undergoes surgery (5)

After hearing this, Juhua wiped the tears on her cheeks, turned to Caiwei and said, "Caiwei, thank you. If it weren't for you, I would be dead today..."

Caiwei no longer had the energy to say anything, she just opened her mouth and smiled palely, her heart was still beating wildly. For some reason, she always felt like something was wrong in her heart, but she couldn't think of it. Something is wrong!

Fortunately, the rain was heavy and the fire did not spread. After burning the house, it gradually extinguished. The huge fire quickly attracted the surrounding neighbors. Everyone ran to the house without taking umbrellas or wearing raincoats. The Mingguan children watched the excitement in front of them and exclaimed: "Oh, everyone has been burned into skeletons. Four or five of them are really evil!"

"Zhang Tiezui'er's fortune telling must have leaked the secret, and he has been punished by God. It seems that the secret must not be leaked!"

"Look, this big locust tree is at least hundreds of years old. Now it has been burned to charcoal. You can see how angry God is..."

The fortune teller and the fortune teller were burned down, so naturally the fortune telling couldn't be done. Caiwei sent Ju Hua home and returned to the palace alone and depressed.

As soon as she returned to her dormitory, Caiwei immediately entered the space. At this time, the man had finished approving the memorial and was cooking in the kitchen. Three buns were squatting on the ground around a basin to catch fish.

The moment she saw them, Caiwei suddenly thought that due to her own negligence, she was almost separated from them forever, and she felt impulsive. She walked over quickly, hugged the man from behind, and pressed her face against his solid back.

"What's wrong?"

Nangong Yi's hands were full of faces, so he turned around and kissed the top of her hair. Caiwei rarely hugged him so actively. Something must have happened, otherwise she wouldn't be like this unusual.

Caiwei didn't hide anything and told him her experience today: "Yi, do you know? I almost couldn't see you, or I almost killed you..."

After hearing this, Nangong Yi was also shocked. He was not afraid for himself, he was worried about them. In his heart, she and the children had long been more important than his life.

"Be careful in the future and try not to go out of the palace. If you go out, the two of us will go out together. If anything happens, it's better to have someone to take care of you. If you have a bad relationship, how can I live?"

The man ignored the flour on his hands, turned around and hugged her tightly, buried his face in the crook of her neck and whispered instructions.

"Yeah, I know!"

Caiwei nodded, couldn't help but smile, and the panic in her heart was relieved a lot.

"How can I live if you have someone who is both good and bad?"

This line seems to have been spoken by a woman. In her impression, it is usually when a man encounters something, a woman will use this sentence to blame the man for being careless. As the king of a country, Nangong Yi said such a sentence, which was really funny.

However, besides being funny, it also moved her a lot.

She didn't doubt the authenticity of the man's words at all, because she could see and feel it. After the man heard her experience, he turned around and hugged her tightly. His arms were shaking a little, which showed that he was I'm afraid, I'm afraid of losing her. I'm afraid that my heart is beating violently, as if it's about to jump out...

In fact, she goes out of the palace less and less now, because with him and the children in the palace, everything outside the palace has no appeal to her. Unless she has to, she will never go out easily, and From now on, she will go out less often!

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